anothers note

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Please don't hate on anything I put in this story in real life I believe all the boys mothers are sweetheart but for one of the best stories I had to make one of the mother is not fit for a little bit but then she changed and now she's good just to make the story work because in life I believe all five of those boys mothers are very very beautiful woman and raise such good men there are the most precious woman on the plan for us to have those boys anyway like I said enjoy the story and anything that is in this story that may seem like there's something off just remember in reality if I'm saying this person is bad person in a story in reality I believe the person is 100% sweet this is all make believe and I only wrote the story plot I do not own any right to one direction or any other characters in the story if you are a fan fiction nothing in this story is true but I do use real life scenarios that can happen anybody I just like putting them into situations old makes the story go good the please enjoy the story One Direction fan 35

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