we've got a whole lot of history chapter 45

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Harry pov

When I was came and took my baby to the hospital I was thankful because he really needs to get there quick I hope the babies and him are okay if Anthony's little stud just cause me to lose my children I will freak

Zayn hay you need to pull yourself together man because right now Louis needs you mate and if I where you I go to him we will handle everything that's on the go around here now so was I right you before it's too late

Harry thanks again and I was off because there was know why I was going to lose my baby  because of ass

I just hope I'll be able to hold my kids and they will be safe and sound

Louis pov

Give me and give me emergency c-section right away the kids turn it to be perfect thank God all it was the fact that where I'm carry more than one they wanted out early I guess you could say but I have 5 beautiful children yeah processes total is going to have twins or triplets but now I quadruples but now turned out I was having quintuplets that was quite a bit and I wonder I was in so much pain I just can't wait till he gets here until he finds out and they're all beautiful and there all boys and I'm so happy but what should I name them

Harry show up baby are you OK the doctor told me you were perfectly healthy is everything okay and they said that we had five boys I did not see that coming it's almost like we can have a little pop band or something lol lo

Louis I love you thanks for being here when I need you baby because I love you so much Harry and I don't know where I be with out you 

Harry and you are not going to be with out with me baby and I think we need to get married soon

Louis yes we should baby

Just then all of the boys came with there girls it was nice to see that Niall and his girlfriend worked it out I'm happy that I now have people I can count on with me when we need i love my family and friends i'm happy that i  can  count on them when i need them .and Harry the love of my life and  it the best thing that can happen  do is be there for him as he is me and we  have are  5 sweet babies and i know that me and HARRY can make when we need  it  I'm so happy that i meet him he my love my life and my soul he and i will be Okay it and i can't wait to Marry him and be the  family that we  need to be a family and have the same last name because he my heart and  and my life and  always  this people that i work with are now AND  forever be my family  

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