weve got a hold lot of History chapter 43

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Louis POV

I was working a way in the office when all the sudden I heard a gunshot in the hallway I looked out to the corridor and saw what I thought I would never see again there's stood Anthony was a gun

Anthony you turn me into Louis and and left me I loved you and you left because of what I do and turn me in why

Louis lets me you were always breaking the law you were doing drugs you're forcing me to go out and sleep with men but I didn't do it because I would run away before they could do that to me you made me lose my virginity to you the way I didn't want to yeah so basically I'm not going to be with someone that's going to treat me like s*** and you threaten my family those are not reasons to want to stay with you

Anthony but reasons I love you want to stay with me you could have stand by me I only did that to try to get us the money we need to survive and live a life of peace and happiness later on in life but then again I got some drive into the area I just couldn't give up I got to do to you and I still have that I just want one thing and that's you back baby no matter what happens

Louis no offense but I would never go back with you even if I was out of my mind what we had was good before all this s*** came up they Anthony I fell in love with don't exist no more you're nothing but the shell of a man that I know. Can you just let me live my life in peace I left walked away bonito vanish from you I just don't want anything to do with you go through thick skull Anthony

Anthony no I will not get that through my thick skull if I can't have you nobody will in the fact that you can get pregnant it was so sexy I could have kids with you

Louis when you know that I could get pregnant before I even knew that I could get pregnant how the hell did you know that s***

Anthony remember that one time when I force myself on you a couple times after we end of you know after I get forcing on you for three times to get you to give it up to me and finally I love making you give up to me well one of those times kind of re knock you up at the time. So when you are asleep I'll pay the doctor to give you an injection to board the baby

Louis you know what you are a crazy sick f*** I would have never let you do that if I knew that I was pregnant at the time because I am totally against abortion you are so sick you are demented in the head Anthony and I'm not going to stay here and tell you I still love you and everything but I do still care for you in some way because your loss something had to happen to your pass for you to take this dark road but you're not the man I fell in love with anymore can you just understand that I've moved on I'm not trying to cause a scene here and that's but you're standing here with a gun you can shoot anybody

Anthony I'm not going to go all crazy and shoot the students or anything I just got this so I could try to get you to go with me persuas relieve you know what I need but then again your idea could come in through if you don't listen to me I'm going to do what I got to do to get you back

Louis you are so freaking crazy that I don't know what to do I don't know how to act around you anymore and I'm trying to tell you you're scaring the f*** out of me and I'm carrying children right now so back the f*** off

Anthony well I can honestly say you're still as feisty as ever last one thing you want change about you will you I wonder if I can still have my way with you that's gun to tell me maybe I can

Louis there's no way in hell I will do anything that you're going to make me regret again been there done that I left my past behind that's why I moved here to start fresh

Anthony I find it very strange that the Dean here is not freaking out about all this and what I'm doing here

Simon I'm not freaking unicorn the same as I know about why you're here and I know about the fact of his past he was honest and everything about why you turn the first place for the job and came to the job interviews you never said anything so I know all of his past I even got the records from the cops and they in case you did come back he was very honest he was never in trouble the law he was just got caught up in a bad relationship you on the other hand are f****** to Pitts psycho

Anthony you actually have the guts to tell everybody about your past never thought you had that in you and you actually have the guts to stand up to me what has gotten into you I mean even never ever act like that when you were with me you were always so scared always so timid why now why you standing up for yourself all the Sun I would like to have you back the way you work for me

Louis that Louis's done I'm done running I'm done dancing around you I'm done dealing with your s*** I am done have any before on the spot because of you and not just that I finally found the love of my life and I'm not going to waste what I've got now because of you I've moved on get a clue where do you know the words by getting a I don't think you do

Anthony soon I wonder what you would do if I say took this pretty little girl right here your assistant and hold this gun right to her head right now what would you do about that but she does have a nice pretty little ass you know what I mean nice breasts to and I know I told you I was gay but really I'm bisexual so I could swing either way or I just like to get myself off with whoever I feel like you know what I mean so maybe I could do that to her

Louis back off or 6 flocculator one hand on Vivian and I will clock you in the next week

Anthony you want freaking f****** army man

Meanwhile with Harry

Harry pov

I was in middle of teaching my history classes so I was all the way over on the east side of campus so I didn't know exactly what was going on over where the office was when all the sudden one of my students came knocking at my door

Harry I open the door. To what was going on when I open the door there's did when my students she was out of breath

Jade sorry to bother you right now professor styles but I thought you may want to know something I went over to the administration building to get something for one of my teachers anyway you're not going to believe this there's some crazy guy over there I think they said his name is Anthony and he has a gun on your boyfriend I think you might want to go over there and see what's going on just thought I should warn you is pretty dangerous and crazy over there I go to campus security to cuz I told the Dean cuz I seen them and I met him when I was going to do and he not it to me so now I've got to get back and tell my teacher what's going on and the Dean mouth to tell every teacher to get their students out of here no matter where there too if they don't know what the guys going to do hell outta Dodge I think the deed also motion for me to hit the yellow alarm button so I'm going to do that right after I tell you cuz he told me to take care of telling you first cuz he's send me a letter on hurt my foot so I'm follow his orders and that I'm getting hello there like I said with the rest of classmates and faculty but you better try and get to the your boyfriend if you can

Harry well thank you very much for letting me know that's a really got to get to him and yeah there's a little button right here in my class so that you going off to find one of those emergency buns I would have hit it right now go get out of here like you're supposed to and I'll tell my class what to do

Jade you need to tell me twice

Harry ok class we got a bit of emergency going over in ministration building there's a crazy man over there with a gun so right now in one hit this button all you get out of here and follow protocol go

With that I hit the emergency button and everybody ran off then let's pray and hope that everything will work out the way its supposed to Luis hang in there baby I'm coming for you and my babies

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