we've got a whole lot of history chapter 7

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Harry pov
Once we got back to my place we go back to my place I carried Louis into the kitchen and set him down onto the counter and ask him if he wanted a nightcap

Harry do you want a night cap for a cuppa tea or coffee or anything baby cuz you seem to be out of that right now

Louis I think a cup of coffee or tea or a nightcap anything with you right now I just need something to drink cuz my throat is really bothering me and my feet are really killing me you think we can relax for a little while on the sofa

Harry whatever my baby wants my baby is going to get and that's a perfect thing to do do you know even though we just started dating your perfect to me and I wouldn't have it any other way I never really loved and believed in love at first sight until I met you I got a feeling that you were sent to me because I have been having a big dry spell for the last 3 years and you said you had a bad dry spell for over year maybe somebody sense that we could use each other but I so really need you right now and I think you need me to

Louis you are absolutely right I totally agree with you on this come on baby let's go into the living room watching TV because I feel like I really need to just cuddle up and snuggle with my man right now I've never had this in so long and I didn't craving it if you know what I mean and I haven't had sex for over a year and you haven't had it for over 3 years does a lot of sexual frustration because of stuff like that

Harry of course there's a lot of sexual frustration I mean we both have been so sex deprived for so long it's hard to know what to do why do you want to do tonight

Louis well I was doing some thinking maybe we can you know probably erect the fact that we have that you know why don't we try to take away some of the sexual tension tonight you know help each other out

Harry what are we talking here and going all the way or just plain old b******* whatever you want baby because the thing is I'm ready if you are and I want to make this the best night of your life in a long time you know I'm not that type of guy that's not very romantic I'm the romantic type so if I have a boyfriend or a girlfriend I'd like to treat them like a prince or princess depending what their gender is of course

Louis so I guess your kind of telling me I'm your little prince and your boo bear or your baby boo as you like to call me those nicknames you put on me tonight by the way I think are very sweet and very admirable of you

Harry well the reason why I gave you all those names and treat you that way because you were the first person who actually loves me for me and I've actually tried to me for the right reasons just like I am drawn to you for the right reasons I'm so sick and tired of those relationships that only give a f*** about themselves I want someone who wants me for me and is going to be there for me and do whatever I have to do to make it through and I got a feeling that was you it's going to be that way and I mean it

Louis good to know you feel the same way I do now that this just cuddle then we will take care of the sexual tension and when we go to do that its going to go all the way because I want everything from you tonight cuddles sex love romantic men like you said we both need a night to feel special don't wait baby and I'm also going to make you feel special if I can

Harry I tell you what you make me feel special another night tonight's all about you because I really think I want to show you how much I need you oh trust me I'll be getting pleasure and that too by having sex with you and making love to you I'm not saying this because of that I want to get in your pants or anything I'm saying this because I truly love you and I don't want to just have sex I wanted to actually be making love cuz you're worth it

Louis do you know Harry Edward styles you are the first person to ever talk to me like that and I think I really like it I don't want to be treated as an object I want to be treated as you and being and the way your talking is making me feel like I'm being treated the right way and I know that you are the one I could just feel it in my heart and it's just something about the way you were when I first met you today I know we just met like I said but we can't fight what were feeling can we

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