we've got a hole lot of history chapter 33

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Louis pov

I was doing my work in the office hoping that the day would end soon because I'm having hard time with the morning sickness still today it hard then usual which I don't know why it's a good thing that I have a doctors appointment in about an hour good then that means it's time to get off day was long but I made it through I don't know how many times have the end of the bathroom then went off my cookies I guess sometimes being pregnant you can have extra hard time getting to do what you gotta do thank God Vivian was a big help today

Vivian hay you okay now you don't need me to carry anything for now like Box's

Louis no it time to get off now

The dean comes out of his office

Simon you guys got a lot done today and I hope you where not over doing things Louis because you are pregnant and we don't want you to hurt the baby

Louis well I'm carrying multiples

Simon so how many are you having

Louis I'm having quadruplets and remind me I've got to get ready because I have to go to the doctor you know a little bit soon as he comes in and pick me up then we're off to the doctor for an ultrasound and I check up for me let's just hope it all goes ok

Simon that's a good thing please tell me you didn't lift all those heavy boxes by yourself

Louis no I didn't even left any of the boxes the boxes are all lifted by Vivian she wouldn't let me touch one

Simon good because that could of hurt you or the babies so I'm glad you being careful anyway tomorrow you guys are off and so are the students because there going to be doing some work on the University in repairs and stuff that needs to be done around here so its going to take 3 or 4 days so what ya the next 3 to 4 days are all off to the repairs are done for safety reasons of course

Louis that's a good thing so I can rest of it and I guess after a while when a building does get old it does have to have some repairs here and there is a good thing you guys are doing that now before gets too bad

Simon yes anytime you see that something needs to be repaired we take a few days out of the schedule to do that and we make sure on the staff and students are around so they can get it done without hurting anybody and is not disturbing classes

Louis which is a good idea you keep up on things that why this is one of the top universities out there

Harry walks into the office hay baby ready to go to the doctors appointment and see how things are going

Louis just a thing to do right now anyway we got the next 4 days off due to repairs being done

Harry that time of year again huh cuz we always make sure things are fixed before it gets out of hand which is a good thing so the next 3 to 4 days repair days good and those will be good days for me to catch up on some grading papers and stuff and for Louis to get his rest

Simon which is what I hope he will do

Harry he will boss because I am making sure he looks after himself

Louis good to know you guys care about me because it hard being away from my family

Harry yes it good now we need to go or we are going to be late for your doctor's appointment and I don't think you want to be late on to make sure of everything's is ok right

Louis Yeah right okay we'll see you guys in 3 or 4 days cuz right now I got to get going to my doctors appointment will let you know how things go

With that me and Harry left to go to the doctors appointment let's just hope everything turns out to be for fine because I don't want nothing to happen to my babies I'm carrying

Harry you okay you seem like your lost in thought there baby

Louis yeah I'm fine just a lot of morning sickness it was really hard today and I'm just wondering if they're all the okay you just being a typical pregnant person

Harry well I hope there's nothing to worry about baby but I am bothered by all that morning sickness your having cuz I thought you said it was during easy off a little

Louis I was saying that because it was but the day for some reason it was twice as hard I don't know why this is the worst day of morning sickness I've had in a long time I don't know maybe they're just getting a little restless from there cuz after all there are 4 and I'm starting to crave which is crazy but the thing is I can't decide if I want Wendys or McDonalds because is both so tempting right now or KFC basically I'm creating three different types of we can take out

Harry carry more than one so maybe they all want something different after all you are in for 5 if you include yourself now we're almost here to the doctor and after you go to your doctors appointment I will take you out to get what you're craving all three of it cuz of that's what the ladies want that's what the babies are going to get

Louis thanks baby but sometimes I feel like you're too good to be true because you're too good to me sometimes and I love you for it and I'm glad I have you

Harry believe it I'm not going anywhere

Louis which is a really good thing is I love you so much anyway we're here so let's go see what the Dr has to say about these babies I'm carrying I hope there okay

Harry ya that would be great lets get you check in and seen to this is going be good I hope

Louis you and me both baby and I can't wait till I get I wanna know what type of generators are going to be I don't know if they're going to be all girls or all boys or to of each but I know one thing off for them is going to be loved

Harry is there a baby they're going to have everything they need to because they have the most sweetest daddy and Papa there where going to make sure their loved and got what they need

Louis yes we will and with that we walked inside lets hope it goes good

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