we've got a hole lot of History chapter 37

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Harry pov

I woke up to Louis tossing his cookies I went to check on him and he was burning up so I got him a nice. Bath to take it down and got him some morning sickness pills for him go help I did the clock the only see it is 3 a.m. in the morning I knew that he was very tired so I got that the bed but then I heard a crash downstairs I want to check it out

Harry baby I just heard a crash downstairs I want to go down and check it out you see her in bed cuz I don't want anything happen to you and the babies that you're carrying right now

Louis please be careful though because I don't need anything happen to you right now you know I just got you and I don't want to lose you so make sure nothing happens when you go downstairs to check it out will you and I don't want stress and I'm not supposed to have any and you be hurt but that's just stress me out

Harry I'll do my best to make sure nothing happens me okay but right now I need you to sleep so take it easy while I check it out ok

Louis alright I'll take it easy but you please be careful when you go down to check it out okay

Harry I will be careful OK so just take it easy

And then went down to check it out when I got downstairs I noticed that the front door was open but there was no one in the house my load everywhere I found a note though that was on the floor I picked it up and read it. It was a note for one of the Louis ex that I need to get him back I knew I could not buy anything happen to him and why what is X come all the way here there's no way in hell I'm going to let anyone hurt my baby so I read it again this not good

Harry baby when I was downstairs and check everything out I found a note there was no one around but it's from one of your ex's and the reason why I know it's from one your ex is because he keeps saying he's going to get you back on the nation never let you go in the first place because you're his and nobody else or anything that pretty determined

Louis let me see the note so I can figure out which one of the ex and I pray and hope it's not the one that I think it is because it is where dealing with a the goddamn f*** head I don't ever want to see again because he made my life a living hell back when I was in Doncaster

Harry well here's the note hope is saying things that you're saying cuz I know you don't want to deal with them by the look on your face you know what you just said and then you can tell me the whole story if it is him the one that you're thinking of that is and I'm not sure which one man seduce you thinking of but he did signed and Anthony

Louis no it can't be Anthony is the one I'm thinking about s*** he used to be a drug dealer in everything and he was kind of the possible for me cuz when I found out what he was doing I didn't know that he was a drug dealer anything when I first got with him like I told you you was one of the crazy ones that got wet when I told you I had a few boyfriends that was in trouble all that I didn't even know why I'm when I found out what they were doing I got rid of them and I turn them in stuff that I had to will I turned Anthony and he supposed to be locked up and he's not supposed to know where I am now so how the f****** hell God and he find me

Harry well this is not good and how did he find you at my place when your dresses just sent the mind me go back and forth between my place Liam all the time so something not right it's a good thing it's a good thing that your mother is coming here for a visit so she might be able to tell you more if she heard anything

Louis it is a good thing that she's going to hear by the way she's going to be here sometime today so she is staying at your place she accepted your offer and she thinks its a good idea then I'm going back and forth between the two house till we figure out what has been going on with the babies and stuff let's just hope it all works out

just then there was a knock on the door because it was now morning after we've been up all night figuring out what was going on me and Louis when to answer the door will be open then Louis had the biggest smile on his face there's did his mother

Louis mum how are you doing come on in I need to ask you a question did you hear anything about Anthony possibly escaping from jail because we found a letter here from him last night and it's creeping the hell out of me and how the f*** did I get in the house in the first place and get the address from the first place

Louis mum I want to find out about an hour ago of escaping keeping and I want to talk to you about that when I got here because this is crazy why in the f*** would you come out to you after all this time I mean you left him about 3 years ago he needs to leave you alone and let you move on

Louis you're right that he needs learned in move on I feel like I feel like he's very possessive over me I don't know what to do if he's coming after me again and I'm pregnant with quadruplets and I'm just trying to live my life I do not need him coming around

Louis mum of course you don't even come home and your family happy and everything I'm going to make sure that he'll come back around I bought on you anyway I'm going to get everything set up in my room for the night out and make you guys some dinner at you both take it easy by the sounds of it you been up half the night

Louis thanks mom is this is a lot to take in right now that one of my ex's ass out of jail all the fun anyway I'm going to try to figure out what's going on the right now I need to lie down. Baby will you come on down with me

Harry of course looking at mine down with you on something sure your mother knows where everything is so she can cook dinner if she plans okay I don't know me so she settled in but then I'll be with you

Louis okay can't wait I love you so much

Harry I love you too baby

With that Louis went to lay down and I helped his mum get settle down when she's visiting for the remainder of the pregnancy she wants to help out which is a good thing but I really don't know why one of those Ex's and still keeping your room let's hope this will all pass

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