we've got a whole lot of history chapter 4

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Harry's pov

I was sitting down talking to zayn and Ed when I saw liam walking in with Louis my heart was beating fast then I saw a girl I like but she was not making my heart beat as fast as louis what getting into me I only meet him today they never taught me this in university or anything yo yo yo what is it that you're thinking about style

Zayn yo earth to Styles what's going on in that head of yours because you seem out

Ed he could be checking out some girl or guy he likes you know just as long as is not students because you know the rules about that but we are allowed to check out the faculty

Harry very funny there guys

Ed you are so checking out something on the faculty who and I did see you check out that girl but it looks like you're also checking out a guy boy you've got to make up your mind

Harry how is so observant of you I was checking out that girl yes and then I was wondering more about the new secretary who just came in with Liam he's not bad looking for a guy though

Zayn what do you mean not that I can I see the way your ready to devour him come on man you haven't had any action in a long time that reminds me we all got to go out to the bar tonight because you definitely need to get some action my boy

Ed yeah I think he's right man besides out of all of us he's the only one to do get any action cuz he's the only one that's in a relationship right now so he is the lucky one get you a cheeky bastard

Zayn what can I say I have fiancée that makes me on top of the world and I can't wait to meet her get married she's my everything speaking of her there's my baby over there getting her food be back in a moment gotta go say hi

With zayn when over to his fiance and gave her a kiss sometimes like that I envy him because he actually has a woman that he loves and give his heart too that's all I'm looking for but they are a perfect little couple he's won the top are professors out there and she's a very well trained university school nurse I know the two of them will get where they have to be just perfectly anyway what am I thinking about that and why can't I get Louis out of my head

Ed if I were you right now Harry I pull it together because Laim and the new secretary are on their way over here with there food right about now

Harry thanks for the heads up cuz man I can shake him out of my head I mean I don't know should I get the guts and has come out what are you thinking

Ed that's a first cuz you haven't asked anyone out since you dated Taylor three years ago but she will the debts what did you see in her anyway

Harry do not ask because I didn't know then and I don't know now

Ed ya I gust your right

Liam hay guys this Louis the new secretary if you haven't already met him

Ed hi, I'm ed Sheeran I'm the head of the music dept around here so what brings you here to our school if you mind me asking

Louis Oh I transferred here from my hometown cuz I wanted to start and you and when I have the job offer I took it because Oxford is one of the best schools you can work at and I really needed a change if you know what I mean from back home things just weren't going good I just wanted to get out of there you know stand on my own two feet and I have to worry about my mother and father and my sister is trying to fix me up with different women and men

Ed so you're bisexual cool just like Harry

Liam Ed we don't need to make him and and Harry feel uncomfortable man

We've Got A Lot Of History - A Larry  Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now