we've got hole lot of History chapter 22

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Louis pov

But stare at the pregnancy test positive and Here I am a male what do I do just then there was not come the bathroom door

Vivian hey Louis you okay in there what does the test say

Louis walks out of the bathroom and the dean's office to see the Dean and to see Vivian there waiting for him

Simon so what does it say my boy because like you said the studies have proven that six to seven percent males can get pregnant

Louis well it looks like I'm in that percentage because this pregnancy test came back positive but you can't always go buy a home test can you some was better to go to the hospital but this only makes me want to go to the hospital more to find out for sure

Vivint I think you better at least tell Harry about this because you might want to go to the hospital with you and be there for you cuz v as soon as possible good chance that you are

Simon she makes a valid point there you should probably go get checked and take and take Harry with you

Louis yeah it's a good idea but Liam said his mother is a nurse and she could help me at the hospital to without and having to become a big fiasco where my male know how people will probably try to take that

Simon yes I see what you mean maybe Liam or zayn should go help you to because zayn sister is a nurse too and what to nurses helping you they might be a look at the right doctor to help you

Louis good point but I don't think Harry can leave his class he's got examinations he's doing all this week you can't leave the class he's in with her right now taking the exam

Simson it shouldn't be no more than a couple hours for you at the hospital so why you guys are gone to the hospital all sitting on his classes its just them on monitor them them right

Louis yeah but what about all the exams on those to photocopy for everybody that needs them today and that I can't fall behind on that you guys need that done

Vivian that's what I'm here for I'm your assistant so you go and get that checked out with Harry and Liam and Zayn and I will take care of all this right now for you okay don't worry about it all right now you've got to find out for sure if you are pregnant because your health is more important

Simon Vivian makes a very reliable point there so go to the hospital make sure that the home pregnancy test that's a positive is true or see if its false first because you got to know what's going on with you Luis cuz if you're in that 6% present only kind of hard on you but will help you out cuz your family to us everybody that works here at Oxford is like family so we're here if you need us

Louis thanks but how am I supposed to get Liam Harry and Zayn down here without it being so noticeable

Simon I will go get them until then I need to talk to the three of them about something very important I need them to do for me for the faculty and I'll have a couple teaching assistants monitors are classes for you you don't worry about it

Louis okay well I guess the lack of work alright

Simon good I will go get them right now and I'll splain everything to them in the office with you okay

Louis okay with that

Simon went to get Harry and Liam and Zayn I hope this turns out good I mean I am a man and can be a peg that a scary thing just then simon came back with them

Simon alright I think its best we all talk in my office come on it's about something personal for one of my employees but you can help them and it involves you to Harry you'll see when you coming here

Harry OK

Louis is wanting inside the office

Harry Louis ok you don't look too good

Louis well I was throwing up and everything and I can count to stop it and stuff then Vivian noticed and then she asked me how long it been going on then she said that she had a pregnancy test that I can take when I told her about the theory that you told me about this morning Liam so I went to the bathroom here in the dean's office cuz the Dean / heard of talking instead of the best so no one would he rode around there you know so I can keep it on the down low anyway I took the test take a look Harry

Harry I took the pregnancy test for Louis and I looked at it it read positive it says positive holy cow baby you could be praying that was my baby I know it's strange for a male to be pregnant but if you are not going nowhere I'm staying here with you to help you through this because I love you

Liam they Louis I'll told you that he would stay by you and you didn't need to be sacred telling him about this

Zayn wow Louis your you're pregnant but just so you know we're all going to be here and help you that's what friends do you know
are all like family here at Oxford like the dean always says

Harry so I think we need to go to the hospital and get you check now baby because before we even showed up to the office simon explain other than that to us the coming into the office he said of that way just so what people around one here

Liam ya lets get you to the Hospital to find out about this for sure I already talked to my mother and Zayn's sister for you so when we got there the two of them to be waiting to see what they can do and they have a doctor in on it so don't worry because you want to keep it on the down low where you are on me like you said are we going to find out what can possibly be why you are pregnant there's probably some type of thing in your DNA or genes

Louis okay we're going to do this lets go but I know one thing I'm extremely nervous about this I mean finding out for sure if I am pregnant I mean I am a man just don't make sense

Harry well trust me when I say that turns out to be real and we know the facts and everything I'm going to be with you 100% through this all cuz I love you I'm not going to be like your crazy ex boyfriend abandoned you for b******* no this is true love I'm going to stick with you

Louis thanks baby cuz that's really what I need right now I don't know what to do if I didn't have you guys and I know one thing though when I find all this out and I tell my mother about it she'll probably be supportive of me because she's always have been because she don't care that I'm gay or bi or whatever it is that I am she respects me for who I am but if I told her about this she probably have to figure out how it happened but that's why I know her she'd stay there and help me cuz like I said the only good thing that I left I can was my family

Harry well come on let's go see this is for sure okay cuz I'm here if you need me let's just hope that everything works out for the best but no matter what you pregnant or not I'm not going nowhere love you

Louis love you too okay what's good go and let you know how things go later with me find out and what's that we left

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