've got a whole lot of history chapter 5

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Louis pov

After a long day of work I went back to the hotel to get my things and to check out cuz I know has better living combinations which is good I looked at the piece of paper and sound know where the address was which is nice cuz it sounds like its a nice neighborhood just anything from living in here because I hear screaming to yelling to sex you don't get no sleep here and you don't get no privacy it's good to be finally having a place that I can have some privacy and I'm looking forward to going out for drinks tonight with the guys and being there other friends that they said who runs the taxi stand but. I still can't shake how my heart beats fast every time I'm near Harry what's going on with me I might as well call my mother why I think about it I haven't checked in with her in weeks will a week cuz that's how long you been here but its cuz I've been so busy getting everything I need to get settled and I promised her I'd call her when I knew I was going to have permanent place to stay cuz I know she's going to worry she always has that's just who she is.

Louis calls up his mother

Mrs. Tomlinson hello

Louis mum its me just called to let you know I had my first day of work to day and one of my colleagues has offered to rent a room to me from his house so that way I would have permitted rest while I'm here until I can find better accommodations because right now I'm temporarily staying in a hotel so I'm going to check out today to move in with him and he knows that my sexuality and everything because I want to be honest he's straight anyway but he says that we will be good friends he has other friends there are that way anyway I just thought about helping me out rather than leaving me here in this place

Louis mum I agree that would be better because you don't know what goes on on those motels and I worry about not knowing that you have a perfect place to stay and now that I know that you're going to be staying with a colleague I feel much better I knew you'd find a flat or rooming house or something where you can rent the least we know you'll be safe because those with a colleague did you do a background check to make sure the guy was not a whack job

Louis of course I did a background check and everything he's got nothing wrong with them at all he's even did a background check on me so there were fine you just thought about helping me out since I am a colleague and I think I'm going to be good friends with him and his friends later on tonight we're going to go out and have a few drinks just so I can get used to being around the neighborhood and im very well looking forward to working at Oxford University because I had a great day but what is it like mom when you see somebody and every time you talk to that person your heart beats really fast and you don't know why you just can't stop thinking of that person and you get butterflies in your stomach I never had this feeling before but every time I get in there a certain professor me and Harry Styles he's the head of the history department by the way is very gorgeous too I can't seem to stop feeling this way why do I feel this mom can you answer me that and I'm usually so on top of my game but everytime I see him and go to talk to him I get quite nervous is there something wrong with me

Louis mum there is nothing wrong with you at all my boy its called a thing called love I got a feeling that you're falling in love and I gotta feeling its love at first sight so go out and have a good time with your colleagues tonight and make some new friends and that after all you were in your twenties you're very mature responsible young man I just worry about you being alone all the time and if you do meet the right guy or girl you know I got your back and if this professor Styles could be the one for you then I'm all for it I just want you happy and so do your step dad and your sisters and all

Louis well thanks man I'm going to let you go now because I have to go and get ready and pack up and check out and then I'm off to meet my colleague at his house just so you know oh maybe I should tell you the name of my colleague that I'll be living with Casey answer the phone when you call

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