we've got a hold lot of History chapter 20

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Louis's pov

It's been a week since I stated Harry's last and we had such a romantic night that time and day you took care of me but we're still taking it slow you see each other at school all the time will you not work for us me lunch together all the time kisses the cheek a kiss on the cheek and stuff like that we are a cute couple we saw each other we love you and that all the time too. Is just we don't want to stay every single week at each others house like maybe next week I might be a couple more nights at his house again you know we're just taking it slow the for the past week or so haven't said anything to him but I've been feeling kind of nauseous and that and I don't know why I like I can't keep things down I just hope I can get through the work day today without having to feel like I have to throw up or something because this is not very good feeling. I walked out into the kitchen of mine and Liam house to see him in the kitchen eating breakfast before we need to go to work

Louis morning liam

Liam morning mate you don't look to good

Louis ya well I been feeling kinda nauseous off and on for the last week but I don't know why so maybe it's something that will pass hopefully but it don't feel like there's anything going on and he is just certain time of the night I wake up feeling like I gotta throw up and then certain times in the morning with any passes I want to smell certain foods I feel that way too I don't know why good thing I'm not a woman to go there if I was I probably think I was pregnant or something lol

Liam wait a minute did you and Harry you know in the last week or so have any intimacy

Louis yeah we did why and did you use protection or anything yeah we did but at one point we are doing it in the shower the condom ripped why

Liam my mother is a nurse and she was telling me recently that there are some studies showing that 6 to 7% men can get pregnant if they have a certain gene and they are talking like that is from the symptoms she was telling me about I'm not trying to freak you out or anything mate but maybe you should probably take a pregnancy test

Louis wow you're telling me that there is a probability that some men could get pregnant if they have certain parts or genes in them this is just so complicated right now in their DNA

Liam that's what I'm saying me if you want we can go to the hospital later and talk to my mother and she can get to in to see a certain doctor to see for sure because you don't want to freak out about things do you make and if you are you mate you might want Harry

Louis good idea either meet but how am I going to tell him about this for me if I am you think he would accept it or would he run for the hills

Liam trust me if I know my best mate he will not run for the hills he will take responsibility that's just the type of guy that Harry Edward styles is anyway like I said maybe we should get to work in the morning but after when you know what the facts I just don't want to scare you but where you been having those symptoms maybe you should just go to checked out you know

Louis thanks mate you're a good friend if I don't know what to do if I didn't have you guys in lean on when I need some me and I'll just so much going on right now I mean I moved here dealing with everything you know being away from home is good to have friends so that I can count on that my father and even the hospital last week and I still don't know no way to change about him I just wish I understood what was going on right now man I'm using once I see them this I guess that's don't have any sass people this week

Liam and that's not good when you're not the same cuz we like when you said people cuz that's just who you are we need that me and back so come on let's get to work in our vehicles and if you're feeling like any delays or anything give me a day and let me know because I'll take you right to the hospital that way we can find out for sure before you tell harry could you don't want to say something to him and turns out to be nothing you know

Louis right cuz right now we just think of speculation but you're just tell me because I'm theory that your mom got but if that theory is going around I definitely want to check it out

Liam yes is better safe than sorry I guess I mean you have some the symptoms you know what I'm saying and you're really don't want to come out without knowing what you're getting yourself into you know what I'm saying and you and Harry you're going to have to clean discuss this if are man

Louis youre so right about that anyway I'm heading out to work I'll see you when you get there cuz I know if I know right it's time for me to get ready to do everything for the history and science department this week like I did last week for you guys to join again those exams of just going to be fun note the sarcasm in my voice lol I'll see you when you get there

Liam see at work I got to go pick up Kaylee

Louis right thru me tell her hi when you pick her up see you at you at work and hopefully this nausea will stop

Liam yeah I hope so for your sake me because you don't want to have a hard day at work you know trying to get through your work and thrown up on top of it you can be good for you

Louis well thanks for pointing that out Captain Obvious see you later mate

And with that I left

Harry pov

Well I've been a week since my baby stayed at my house but I can't wait to get back to work today and see you again I love spending every minute I can with them yeah but I gotta feeling that he might not be feeling very well cuz I could tell him his voice sometimes when I would talk to her when I would see him but hopefully I don't turn out to be anything major right and I know that if he is going to be really really sick he's in safe hands living with Liam as a roommate because we was mother is a nurse so she'd be able to see if there's anything going wrong with him whats a good thing in the mail because honestly you think its pregnant or something lol but if that ever happens I would seriously stay with them me I'm not that type of person that does the band the person you love but it would be quite a shocker to find a male pregnant a man peg lol

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