we've got a lot of history chapter 6

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Louis pov

I was sitting and having beer with Liam and all of a sudden I was watching Harry and Niall talking very closely seems like Niles and not going back to few too many if you know what I mean and Harry was telling him to slow down cording to what I heard from Liam Niall was having a pretty bad day

Louis so how bad of a day is he having because he seems to be a little out of it if you know what I mean or is he just having a good time what does drinks he seems like he can hold his liquor though

Liam he's an Irish man what do you expect he can hold it no problem that luck of the Irish if you know what I mean he's always not come back a few points and he never gets too tipsy I don't know how he does it he can drink me under the table after 2 or 3 I'm done

Zayn the same for me after 4 or 5 I'm done and I'm part Irish that Irish man and more guts than we do when it comes to drinking a point he knows how to keep it down

Ed I'm fully hard just like him and I can drink as many of you I don't know where he puts it oh there's a hot chick over there I got to go and get me some be back in a minute guys

Liam ok and Ed is on the prowl again

Zayn when is he not on the prowl

Louis I guess you could say he's some sort of ladies man by the way he's acting there always going to have a good time with the ladies when you guys say you go out for a few drinks you mean a few drinks don't you

Zayn yes that's what we mean but as you can see I'm not drinking tonight cuz I'm the designated driver this time we try always to have one and we try not to forget last time the Harry was the designated driver and he forgotten had a few drinks good thing I'll let us use cabs from his cab stand to get home he's a very good cab if you ask me

Louis well that's a good thing but I see that Ed even drive here how did he get here

Liam oh Ed just lives up the road so it walking distance for him not a problem at all you got a nice so how is someone that side roads he's a quiet man and likes to keep to himself every now and then he will gold have a little fun with a little silly if you know what I mean but other than that he keeps pretty much to himself he doesn't go too far like you know what I mean he's like us to be a few games of pool pretty much focuses on his job but on a Friday night he likes to cut loose

Louis I can kind of tell that he likes to cut loose you guys all seem to be pretty cool guys like to stay out of trouble which is a good thing and you have a great careers which I'm glad and falling in with you guys as friends because the friends I had back home from turned out to be a lot of s*** makers and somewhere does using me and the two or three boyfriends I had or girlfriends I had just try to use me to you know I wanted to get away from all that stuff I want to find someone that will love me for me not use me and throw me away like a rag doll that's how it helps back home I'm glad I picked up the pieces of a note don't have been good day, are my closest friends on my family but then again the closest friends of all moved away doing their own thing so my family is all left back there now

Niall comes over to everybody hey lads I'm feeling much better now. I had a few drinks then I had a talk with Harry over there you must be the new guy

Louis yes that would be me I'm the new secretary 4 Oxford university and I'm proud of you doing that is going to be a very good job going to get me a lot more money in that they had back home least now I can get a fresh new start like I'm looking for you know fresh new lease on life

Niall I know what you mean sometime you gotta do what you gotta do and you need a fresh start once in a while I mean that's how I end up living out here in London when my mom and I moved here when she had a divorce from my father because things were going good and she got a job out here and then I'm at these lug nuts ever since I was little I'm Irish and proud but least I'm living a good life out here in the UK got my company got my friends, mom nearby if I need ur my brother Greg and his way to nearby if we need them yeah I couldn't ask for a better life septa the love department

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