've got a whole lot of history chapter 10

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Louis pov

I was sitting at my desk doing my work as usual when all the I felt two arms around me I looked up to see that was my baby I looked at the clock and thought it was something. Kiss my cheek and then that he loved me and then he said he had some work to do here in the office and then you walked over to have to do on the computer of

Harry hay baby what you doing I need to get some stuff and everything for a done for my class this week so I'm just going to be over there okay I love you

Louis okay baby love I'll be right here if you need anything to help you as a secretary oh and also we have a new easier program at let it so it might help you more I have loaded and on Friday something that everybody can use because a lot of people had trouble with the last one it was so complicated corn to the Dean and the deans that he finds this new one perfect

Harry we all know that the new system and it is perfect because the Dean taught us how to use it so easy so you are the one it updated had a feeling you know what you were doing no one of you got the job baby and then when I got to get back over here and do this work love you

Louis alright I love you too now get back to work play before the Dean has your head

Harry pov

Walked over to the desk instead of doing the work I had to do as usual my day was going great and everything today but I have this particular student but I'm kind of worried about he's kind of young to be in college here in the UK kids are usually in college by the age of 16 but this kid is like 14 years old he's has a very high IQ and I worry about him sometimes because he's never late don't make me worry about is when it is light and the fact that sometimes you act so in class because that's not like him at the beginning of the year he was perfect but it seem like after 3 or 4 months of him being here he start to act out every now and then most of the time. He is on top of his game when it comes to school but why is he late a lot of stuff I've got a feeling somethings not right at home it's just that feeling you get and the reason why I have a feeling its cuz I had a friend that went through stuff like that in high school so you'll never know this could be what's going on for him oh and if you're wondering who the friend was in high school believe it or not it was Zayn what is life is perfect now. I just hope I can seem to find out what's going on with young Michael because I'm really worried about him right now he's one of the four boys that I said that always hangs out together if the youngest of the for the other boys are 16 and 17 please 14 in with them

Michael's pov
Great I'm late to school again another day of being in trouble with my father again but then again I gladly take the beating them at him lay a hand on my younger sisters he is a psycho trying to write my sisters that night and everything just because her mother passed away and when he has her my baby sister the youngest one I just pray and hope that I can keep them safe I do what I can being the oldest out of the three of us it's so scary knowing that her father is like that and drinks smokes does her accord drugs and everything how can I get away from him he is a psycho and he's raising I found his phone but he's not fit I hope I get the courage to tell someone and I trust her and teachers around her or I should say professors because this is college not high school I have a very high IQ so yeah I'm hoping to get a good job in that with this I really want to get a good career so I can provide for my sisters and I when I get old enough I'm getting them to the f*** outta dodge and I'm taking those two of them when I show the world that I have a good paying job and could afford it because I'm not letting nothing happen to them I'm stepping up to the plate of right now its just I'm too young to do anything about it there are times that my father makes me sleep outdoors on the porch when there's times I'm have to go to the park and sleep on a bench and I wonder if my sisters are alright it all when I'm not home I tell them if he's crazy and going to go do something walkthrough self from the room and in their closet or go to a friends or something because it's not safe at home when I'm not there it scares the s*** out of me and this morning he tried to rape but my sisters again my life is so hard sometimes. The bell just rang I guess I better get ready if I'm going to get to class on time and I just hope things go OK ok let me see what do I have I have to professor Styles I'm going to do when I'm going to have to do to keep myself safe and he ask me anything I think I'm going to actually tell him does he seems like one of the factors around here that I can trust the other professors I can trust are the ones that he hangs out with 24/7 there are a good group of young men so if any one of those professors I mean if professor styles or professor Malik or professor Liam Payne professor ed Sheeran ask me anything I'm definitely going to tell one of them cuz it seems like I can trust them and by the looks of it I think I could trust probably that new secretary because he's always with them and I don't think they would be with somebody you can trust this is so crazy anyway that I get to class before I'm late this is the second history class I was supposed to have today with him so he'll probably get suspicious why must the first one

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