we've got hole lot of history chapter 42

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Harry pov

We got up the next morning and got ready to go to work I looked around and make sure there is no San Antonio or Anthony whatever his name is I can't remember but there is no way in hell I'm letting that man near my baby so I made sure he wasn't around and walked to Louis the car safe and sound because I not about to let anyone f****** and hurt my baby and the babies he is having I just wanted to get him though all of this safe and sound .as we drove to work Scotland Yard me sure we got there safe and sound. Once we had reached Oxford University I knew it was time for us to get in the building safe and sound Scotland Yard seen to that as well when we got there we told the Dean everything so he knows why they're there to make sure nothing goes wrong you're just going to be out around the premises because we do not want this crazy guy coming after Louis again

Simon well it's a good thing that you guys are all safe and sound here back at work but make sure you focus on your job and don't over do it when you're pregnant there Lewis and we will make sure the Scotland Yard keeps the cycle of the next four years away from you this is crazy well least we know you're all safe and he didn't shoot any one of you

Louis which is a freaking good thing if you ask me its just I feel like sometimes I'm a danger mean that I mean all the guys I've dated before I met Harry have been douche bags and are willing to do anything to try to still keep me when I all I want is peace and live my life and normal yeah I may be what they call a hot tamale as they used to say that Doncaster but I'm glad I'm out of there now the way to my pass keep creeping up behind me

Simon I never think you're doing or anything my boy has done this just some people that are crazy like the one that you were with can't seem to let go of the past there's a nut jobs not you you're just trying to move on and live your life normal and all you want is peace and quiet they should respect that but nope this Anthony person had to come all the way here to try and ruin your life again anyway just concentrate on your work and then today I will see you this in Anthony person doesn't come on campus because what we're going to have a security on campus I made aware of the whole thing as well and we're going to have a security guard follow you around us to make sure you're safe no I don't want no b******* I like to know that my staff is safe and sound with my students.

Louis thanks anyway I'm going to go to work cuz I really need to take my mind off of things right now so that's the best thing I can do right now is a good thing that I've got Vivian to help me because there is quite a lot of stuff that needs to be picked up and go through today if you know what I mean cuz there's so many boxes there was so many things you need me too far away and they're too heavy for me to left so that girl better be prepared to put her back into it when is on the list them boxes

Harry yes you better be because there's no way in hell I'm letting you do all that heavy lifting anyway I've got to get going down to the history department I have a few things I have to give today you sure you're going to be okay if we meet at lunch

Louis baby trust me I'll be fine I'm living with you now on everything so I know what to expect okay so anyway I'm just going to go and do my work you go to yours and then later we'll meet up for lunch and then after you'll take me home but you're supposed to be a good boyfriend that you are which I love so much

Harry well since you put it that way I will go on and do my job and you do yours and I will check in with you later I love you just please don't over do it baby okay

Louis I will see purposely find here in the office I have my assistant to help me with everything that she needs to do for me to get me a head and I'm sure the Dean here when I love you over do it either so go before I end up going all bitching mood swings on you

Harry okay note to self watch what I say today cuz I gotta feeling today is one of your moods anyway I'm off to do some exams and stuff that is give them so if you need me for anything don't hesitate to call or come and get me baby oh and I know we have a couple more doctors appointment coming up in the next few weeks so take it easy okay

And with I headed after the teachers lounge to get everything I'm going to need for my next course as I am throwing a few of the exams so crazy knowing that there's things going on around us I just pray and hope that Anthony don't go trying to get to my baby before it's too late if he does anything to live with he will not live to see the next light of day .

Zayn penny for your thoughts to me and you seem like you're totally lost in thought when I guess you're worried that he is willing to do something to love those aren't you were going to make sure does Anthony guy don't get anywhere near and bringing him so just take it easy

Harry thanks anyway I get back to you my job because I got some test you I guess you're probably throwing some in the art department is well aren't you

Zayn actually today there's going to be a field trip to some art museums in stuff so hopefully I will learn more cuz right now I'm teaching something about the Costco and they are so hard to get to concentrate on what I'm doing dang I wish they would understand more about it when they're doing this stuff and I'm also trying to teach about Leonardo DaVinci some of these people are stubborn and resources

Harry look at the way your talking now and everything and that is a big time teacher at Oxford if I can remember back when we were in high school and used to try to give the teachers a run for their money when you try to do the bad boy act

Zayn yeah who would have thought the Sun years later that I would be here now as an art teacher at Oxford University I guess they say you'll learn I live in you learn to love as I can tell you I will never give up my love heart but sometimes teaching people can be a bit hectic

Harry yeah you're right well good luck with all that stuff me I've got to go in the fishy the History exam just something I didn't get done before we had a bit of a break that the building being fixed oh boy I love there are you a happy note the sarcasm

Liam walks in lads how's everything going this morning was Luis doing okay with this morning sickness and stuff and by the way it's a good thing that he is staying at your place because rumor has it Anthony was there mine again and the good thing he doesn't know exactly where you live I haven't even been home lately I've been staying at my girlfriends keep a low until we know we can catch the idiot

Harry does a good idea anyway and I forgot courses to teach I'm sure you have English classes to teach and I'm sure he has art stuff to teach so that's basically that's go and do what we got to do with teachers and teach

And with we head to work but I got this feeling that where being watch for something and I can't quite put my finger on it but I'm going to see the my baby is safe and the babies he carrying

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