we've got hole lot of history chapter15

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Harry pov

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock because I could tell that it was early but I need to get up for work and turn .and look to my left in my bed to my baby I rolled over on his side asleep I had to wake him up for work

Harry come on baby we need to get up for work we don't want to be late for work

Louis okay baby lets get up and ready for work

Harry okay come on I'll be downstairs getting your bearkfast why you take a shower

Louis thank baby be down in 10 minutes

Harry I'll right hurry up

After we had bearkfast and got clean up we left for work in my car and when we got there .I kiss my baby told I see him at lunch and walked to my classroom to teach a bunch of your minds I hope there not like .yesterday because that was not the good thing I need to pull then in but it good I don't have that class first period as I was having these thoughts I was took out of my thoughts by zayn

Zayn hay mate you seen what I your mind oh buy the way just so you know I could here you and Louis yesterday man louis is a yeller

Harry damn I don't think anyone hear us

Zayn well I don't think anyone least in the neighborhood besides me cuz I was the closest to your house but I think of anybody else was closer or they could I heard you careful when you're doing that next time but you don't want me in a company where somebody that to me on over here if you know what I mean learn to keep it down on tow said with laugh

Harry wow you've right because I don't need the neighborhood knowing my sex life

Zayn good idea because we don't want them getting sacred from louis yelling lol anyway we better get of to class before are students get out of hand

Harry your right mate because I had that happen yesterday so come see you guys at lunch

Zayn ya see you then

I walked off to last to face another day just don't need the students acting out like yesterday when I got there I saw that they where all good and I proceed with today's lecture as I was supposed to do without a hitch thank the Lord because I did not want to have a repeat of yesterday's fiasco on a bunch of monkeys running around with stuff on their head like theres 17 18 year olds are about things and also University don't have to act like a bunch of monkeys

Louis pov

I was sitting in the office typing at my work as usual and of course Vivian was talking my ear off like anything else nothing else as always but sometimes you just want to get your work done without having to deal with a freaking chatter box I was worried. Was getting along with the rest of people in this class today and not going through what he went through yesterday cuz I don't think he wants to have to deal with that again let's just hope his class is not giving him any troubles this morning I don't like it when I get that way all stressed out is no good for him

Vivian he looks really even listen to the word I just said to you cuz you seem like you're lost them but they're about something but I don't know what it is so spill

Louis okay it noting much just yesterday Harry had a hard because of some of his students running around screaming and yelling and I feel like they are in clown school stuff as he put it it was crazy first time you said he had to deal with a bunch of 16 and 17 18 year old that way not good

Vivian yeah these days sometimes you get a crazy bunch of kids come through the Oxford University through or any university because they just want to have fun and think they can get a free ride but they're not going to get it that way. University supposed to help you get through life not coast by

Louis you said it crazy because is not good when they're acting like that I mean has a spec to get ahead and wife that appointing universities to get you to somewhere not get out there and think you got nothing to do and turn your life and do nothing you go to college for a reason why my right last I checked to get your degree not just party but the parties are fun

Vivian what college party is not fun but you gotta learn to balance between the fun and education some people just don't get it

Louis your right

Just then Liam walked into the office and was good because he could see that I was happy he walked in because Vivian such a chatterbox you starting to get on my nerves I didn't know which way to turn do you looked at me then asked me if I could help him with something which would be grateful way to get away from her

Liam hey Louise do you think you can take the time in total copy all these exams I have to change of class and next. But I have to do the same histrionics. But I don't have time to get some already

Louis sure you got it right away in Mr Payne because I think you need them ASAP think I'll get them done for you right now why you take the first lot with you

Liam thanks because all my classes have exams today and I want them to pass because these exams are with over 90% of their grade and these are not exams that I choose to give them myself these are ones that have to be giving in the English department mandatory so I don't have to say and how much its worth when I have say I use you say 60% of this is not what I have been saying so these kids have to do this exam today oh just lovely fun for them anyway thanks for the help I got to get going with this bed so I come back for the rest

Louis well I better get these done for professor Paynes class over he's going to have quite a lot to do

Vivian yeah I hear you I get on the right now you don't want him to be behind and all those exams have to get this week I forgot that they had to be done in the English department this week but then again next week is the history department so professor styles

is going to have his hand fold exams next week which is not a very good thing because those exams are twice as thick as the ones professor Payne needs to give

Louis wow well I better get this ready for him when comes back for the rest

Vivian good idea when I gotta feeling that you're going to be extra busy this week cuz i from just remembered his not only the English department but got that going on this week would have them that has to be done if the art department to so be prepared for a professor Malik to come in here and asking you to do with the samsas well for him up you're going to have a busy week looks like I'll have to help you more on this week with those two because them too much on your own so let's get to work with it

Louis thank god I thought to myself because she would shut up for a bit now don't get wrong she a good friend and all but sometimes she doesn't know when to shut up

Harry pov

Thanks got I got thought my first class with out any trouble and then I head down to the staff room for my beark I had a free period this time so I sat down to garde some test just then Ed walked in

Ed hay mate free period now it mind to

Harry ya it his and I'm glad for the little bit of piece after the day I had yesterday with some of my students

Ed oh I know what you're talking about there mate I had the same thing going I yesterday it was like the students had to drink in them soon as I got home I went to bed

Harry ya soon as I got home I made dinner for me and Louis and then we just had night cuddle and stuff you get picture

Ed ya and I'm glad you didn't tell me your sex life

Harry hay you are the one that always have hookups

Ed well I need to get us action

Zayn walks in to get some thing looks at Ed and Harry I don't know if you got anything from one of your hookups last night Ed but Harry and Louis did I could hear them next door

After that I went back to my. Class I could not wait lunch if I to get out of this building for a while anyways I hope it'll come soon

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