' we've got a lot of history chapter 12

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Harry pov

We all were sitting around waiting for detective horn in for Mr Higgins to get here because this is not right no child should have to go through what he went through and his sisters this is not right at all just as we were waiting for them to come Luis open the door

Louis detective Horan and Mr Higgins and her now I'll send them right now

Dean Simon please because they definitely need to know what's going on here

Louis detective Horan and Mr Higgins you both been going there now they're waiting on you if you need anything just ask I'm right here

Mr Higgins thank you mister or whatever your name is

Louis last my name is louis Tomlinson so if you need me for anything just tell me and I'll take care of it since I am the new secretary here and I will follow the procedures like I'm supposed to do nothings going to go pass me

Mr Higgins well good anyway we'll go inside here and thank you for calling us down here cuz if the Dean with called down here there must be something going on

Louis well there something going on alright but I'll let them explain to you cuz I'm not putting my nose where it don't belong I'm just doing what they told me to do

Detective Horan nice way to be discuss your job no questions asked don't do anything to get you in trouble for procedures and that's it keep in good shape their eyes say

Louis yes it does anyway they're waiting for you now

Detective Horan and Mr Higgins walk inside to the room they look at Simon and ask him what's going on Simon tell them the whole story behind Michael and everything and they said it up that thing is going zayn and Hayden are going to be his foster parents as usual because he don't bleed and spitting up children so the three of them will be staying with them and the professor styles of the one to help them out where he can as well

Mr Higgins alright I'll set everything up that the kids will move in with you once we get the fax and then pull it and then everything else is done I suppose you're going to head on over to the girls school energy detective and feeling what's going on over there

Detective Horan of course I'm going to head over there right now and see what I can do for everybody and keep it on the down low by talking to the principal because this is not right these kids don't deserve what's going on and I believe you did the right thing Michael by opening up to the professor styles and professor Malik about that's because it's one of the best things that you can do right now you have to keep your family safe and there's no way in hell we would like to see kids like you getting that you don't deserve to be treated that way so we are going to put a stop to this and you will be safe staying with the professor Malik and his fiance as your foster parents for now I'll be much better environment for you than anything in the group home and stuff just follow their rules and do as you're told everything should go good trust me it's one of the best foster homes we got goin probably because zayn was in one so he knows how we want to be treated if you was still in one

Zayn well I know for sure that I was treated good in the 1i was in considering Mr Higgins you were my foster parent and I wouldn't trade it for the world because you did the best you can to help me be the man I am today then when my sister about old enough to take custody of us and had a good job and good friend for us that was good I love to be loving every minute living with you and your wife by the way because you were the best to us

Mr Higgins there's nothing like living and being a foster parent two kids and need give me gratitude and I guess you're doing the same thing since you came one what goes around comes around you take a little you give a little and it's so good to see that you are getting back just like we did for you

Zayn yes it is so hopefully I can do what's right for this kid and his sisters anyway like I did for the other ones so let's set this up that is all taken care of then at the end of the day when school is over for the day Michael you leaving with me going back to my place because we'll have it set up the more than likely you'll be put in my care right away because Mr Higgins don't take very long when it comes to putting the kids with me

Mr Higgins no when it comes to putting the kids with you right away it's a done deal because you won't make sure that the kids are safe and get to school on time and follow the rules we've always checked in on you and you've always father also after a while we gave up a to check on you because we're used to you by now we know that there's no problems with you do anyway we check in with you now is if we get some false information or we have to make sure everything is fine but everything I do is check in with u turns out to be a great more than we could you go beyond what you're supposed to do we give you the money that we supposed to do to help these kids use on them plus your own money you make sure these kids feel like they're home

Zayn well being a college professor I do make pretty good money and you know I do not want to see anything happen to these kids their needs come first I don't want the kids to feel anything bad I mean I went through that like I told you similar situation of theirs but it wasn't as bad least my mother is rehabilitated and I could see her and everything and she's herself again and she's a direct in one of the end of Jonah said she love us because at the time I was just problem she had but your father is taking it to far there Michael

Michael you don't have to tell me twice about that I know for a fact that he's taking it too far this is why I told you cuz I couldn't handle it no more I mean I'm afraid that one of these days my sisters are myself might end up dead if you stay there scary feeling

Harry and at the feeling that no child should have to have any way now that we got this fixed detective Horan is heading on over to your sisters school she's going to handle things that that end and Mr Higgins is finishing things up at this end in police are on their way to find your father right now because from what you're saying we run a background check on him and everything to Detective horns it turns out your father is also a drug dealer so yeah that's very good life for you if you ask me not very safe for you if you ask me because he has a lot of men out to get him you definitely need to be away from there that's good you safely and sound I must get your father locked up where he needs to be

With that we are left in the back classes and doing everything we had to do because the police was handling it from here on out by the end of the day all these kids will be staying with zayn Hayden and Mr Higgins how can a child be put through so much misery as I was heading back to my classes to teach the kids louis on the cheek told other than the thing that's going on with Michael and his family after them having a great day and now that I know that Michael and his family is going to be safe my day just got better cuz I feel proud that I did something for him Luis just smiled and said see you at lunch to me because the moment from my merry way

Louis well it's good to know that that kid is going to be safe I thought to myself anyway time to finish up before I go to lunch but my life is getting better and better and I feel proud that I was out that has a point in that by helping out but making the phone calls the need to be made I love the fact that I can help people with my job is rewarding

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