we've got a whole lot of history chapter 8

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Louis pov

I woke up the next morning to the sunlight coming through the window everything came back to me from last night yes I remember that all and you know what I have no regrets at all because I think I've finally found the man of my dreams Harry's so sweet and gentle and he knows what he's doing in the bedroom lol and I love it I turned over and saw that he was still asleep I cuddling closer to him cuz it just felt right and it's good to know that I have him here when I need him and he knows I'm here when he needs me who says you can't have love at first sight are idiots

Louis kiss harry cheek

Harry you know that's a nice way to wake up in the morning morning handsome did you sleep well because I've got a feeling that we definitely had fun last night and I wouldn't trade it any other way I want to have the other guys were last night because I don't know what happened after they all left I know the guys might have fun with your girlfriends but I wonder if Ed  had another hook up or not because he's always known for that every second Friday every Friday I can't remember he likes to get a check I hope he keeps using the condoms I gave them though cuz you know that way he might have some . Got more than one girl and you don't want that

Louis yeah cuz I think that idea kind of expensive for him if you know what I mean all that child support and stuffy to have to pay lol let's just hope he's doing it the right way and using condoms and stuff like we are but then again we're in a relationship so if we forgot the condom or something I wouldn't be so bad if its just the two of us and we're both males and there's no way in hell the one of us can get pregnant right

But as I was saying this little that I know what that too in my family there is some type of DNA that can get a male pregnant but i right now at this point I'm not aware of it from what I was told but I gotta feeling then I might come over a bit later on anyway now back to what was going on

Harry well now that were cleaned up and everything from last night and we had a good night sleep why don't I make my baby a romantic breakfast and then we can just cuddle on sofa for a bit watch some movies or TV and then maybe we can go out somewhere if you like or just stay here and have a nice day just the two of us in bed doing fun stuff if you know what I mean

Louis I think I'll take option number two babies cuz that is one of the best feelings I can have in the world right now and yes I do need more sex and lovemaking with you because they help take away a lot of the time of the sexual attention last night but I still have some left cuz like I said that was the first time in a long long time but damn was a good damn baby you rock my world you know how to have sex you know what to do and going to ask you say you're f****** good in  bed

Harry why thank you I'll take that as a very good hot and sexy compliment baby now like I said lets go make that breakfast and I'll make you feel special again today because you deserve the world my baby boo get just what you need

Louis well lets go make that breakfast sexy or like you said I am absolutely wondering what the other guys are doing right now I wonder they get lucky last night or have any fun like we had on a one thing zayn did say his girlfriend was going to give him a lap dance I wonder if you got

Harry trust me him and his girlfriend live together is Hayden says she's going to give him a lap dance she's going to give him a lap dance and let's just say that's going to lead to one thing to another so there's definitely had fun last night I think they had a little bit more than we had because I could have sworn I heard Hayden say f*** me harder yep she's definitely horny when it comes to him and they're definitely wild in bed

Louis wow so that was the next door neighbors that we heard last night damn they're loud when they get it on but then again I could have heard it from your other neighbors house as well what goes on in this neighborhood late at night lol

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