we've got a whole lot of history chapter 9

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Harry pov

Well I had a geart weekend with my bady he had to go home earlier and everything to get ready for work tomorrow which I will see him at feels good to know that I have another boyfriend in my life I never thought that I'd find the right love of my life that quick was going to be a second day at work let's hope it goes well yes he started on a Friday because that's when the University started back up again anyway back to work to work tomorrow speaking of my baby and want to give them a call and see how he's doing he has a cell phone number plus there's also the house number that I know of her considering he living with Liam

Harry picks up the phone and calls Louis on his cell phone

Louis hello baby how are you feeling

Harry oh I'm feeling good just missing my hot sexy man can't wait to see you tomorrow at work but we do have to be professional at work but then I have to work maybe we can go in get a cup of coffee or something and and maybe at lunch we can all go out together as a group that is for lunch because sometimes we like to go out and to staying in the cafeteria cuz you do get tired cafeteria food

Louis yeah that does sound like a good idea because cafeteria food was better than the motel but it's still not as good as an actual restaurant or home cook and you know what I mean you gotta have something different once in awhile and now that I'm living at Liam's house and I spent the weekend with you at your house I definitely am eating better trust me I never want to go back to that crappy motel again

Harry boy baby that motel you are staying in musta been very bad let me guess I was one of those really low rate ones where everybody goes just to get high or just to get to go to when your down on your luck or you just moved into town trying to find a place like in your case you just moved into town and you were trying to find a place but is pretty bad that you stay there I guess when I'm glad now that you moved in with Liam

Louis need to know baby I'm definitely glad that I moved in with him oh and you do know since me your boyfriend and boyfriend I am going to spend time at your place to you now so I feel safe with those two houses because when I was staying in that motel and felt like s*** cuz you don't know who was going to come around the corner that used to creep me out I mean I have done a lot of my time talking to Dave the guy to work the front desk because I was too nervous to be in my room alone now that's saying something

Harry well at least you don't have to feel so insecure about stuff like that now anyway and call the talk to you until you goodnight beautiful I'll see you in the morning my sexy man love you baby boo

Louis alright I'll see you in the morning to when you get a good night sleep baby because you have a long day tomorrow professor styles love you

Harry love you more night

Louis no I love you more now and hang up

Harry you know I don't like being the first one to hang up cuz I got to hear your voice

Louis will you know that I don't like to be the first one to hang up either cuz of the same reason so what are we gonna do Mr who's going to hang up first

Liam sitting in the sofa in the living room and here is the whole conversation I got an idea on the count of three hang up together

Louis Liam got a good idea on the count of three we'll hang up together that way we're not hanging up on one before the other for doing it on each other and is a lot better and I'll see you in the morning baby

Harry alright that can work on the count of three 1 2 3

We both hung up well I guess I better hurry up and get to bed if I want to make a good impression tomorrow at work how my students but I just hope I don't have a bunch of class clowns because after having a great weekend I don't want to have a f***** up Monday morning but I know one thing is going to be good seeing my beautiful baby boo when I walk through those doors we're seeing you in the parking lot first thing is more than likely he's going to probably park close to be and I'll probably just walking hand in hand with them like I said all the fact that you know that I'm bisexual so to the students and they even know that Louis is bisexual because Louis was quite open about his sexuality and I even heard from students whispering that they think that me and him would be cute together and the same for the faculty

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