we've got a whole lot of history chapter 3

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Louis pov

As I watched professor Styles leave the office I couldn't help but think how hot he was . I think the student that he just brought in so is he said his name was Ashton was seeing me checking him out because he had a big smirk on his face but then he got back to doing his exam I think its going to be kinda hard for me to be myself around professors styles there's something about him but what I just can't shake that feeling am I going crazy or something probably straight what in the world am I thinking about come on Luis focus on your job but damn that the professor is fine just then Ashton take me out of my thoughts

Ashton do you think you can help me read this cuz this is really getting a little hard for me right now with my dyslexia and stuff

Louis sure that's what I'm here for anyway so let's see how far are you into the exam and what's the exam on

Ashton this is an exam in world history and right now the paradigm that has to do with the civil wars back in the states you know like custards last and stuff like that you're also learning about the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln I know where the British people but this is world history so he wants us to be well rounded and everything from the UK to America they say

Louis well that's why they call it world history and I just learning about one country is lying about it all anyway let me see where you're stuck here

Ashton I've got a feeling that you like Professor Styles just so you know he is bisexual nobody around here they'll give him any flack for it because he's a very well respected I don't know about his love life so just know his sexuality ;-)

Louis thanks for telling me that kid cuz it's good to know considering I'm bisexual in myself and I hope I don't get no flack for that either

Ashton trust me if anybody tried to give you flack for that they would be in big trouble discrimination is not here at Oxford it's a big no no they don't put up with it everybody has same rights hair which is good

Louis you don't sound like you're from around the UK at all where are you from

Ashton I'm from Australia but I did pick up a bit of the British accent when I moved here anyway just those should give you the heads up though professor style since you were checking him out

Louis thanks but I don't think I highly well-paid professor like Professor Styles would go for me as secretary but he is nice looking anyway let's get back to doing this because you have to get your work done if you want to pass and keep your scholarship

Ashton you're right anyway come on just let me get this done

After I help Ashton with his exam and the bell when you said goodbye and went off to wherever he had to go I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost lunch time so it looks like I'll be seeing professor Styles quicker than I think ok get over the bloody Ginger that you're having is just a man why is my heart beating so fast so what is getting into me.

Just then the Dean came out of his office and told me I can go to my lunch break I said yeah I'm just waiting for a professor Payne because he said he would show me where to go and then I gets up with him and his friends considering that I'm going to be his roommate and paying him room and board yeah good to have someone that can help me find my way around here

Dean yes it is I see you put in a lot of work in the last couple hours and I've noticed you help you and Ashton which was good what was it that you were helping him with then who was the professor that put here

Louis Oh had some history work he needed to do it was an exam and he was having trouble so professor styles asked me if I could help him cuz it seems like he could really use it because of something called dyslexia

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