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Just as I was beginning to pace around the room, I heard a knock on the door. I jumped slightly, as it brought me out of my worrying thoughts. I walked swiftly towards the door and opened it. Karlie was staring there, with her hands in her pockets.

"Hi, Karlie! Come on in!" I said, opening the door wider. Ray winked at me as he waved goodbye.

"Hey, how have you been?" Karlie asked, carefully removing her shoes and hanging her coat on the hanger.

"This week hasn't been the easiest, to be honest, actually." I gestured towards my couch and flopped down on it. I didn't know why I felt like I could be so honest around Karlie. I used to be such an open person, but that always resulted in my getting hurt. Why was I setting up myself for heartbreak? There's no way this could ever work, not for me.

Karlie sat down next to me, but in a slightly more graceful fashion than I had. "My week hasn't been that easy either. I never realized how difficult it is to be a responsible adult human. I don't think I've ever really been one. Karma, I guess," she said, slouching slightly to match my posture.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was interrupted by a loud knock on my door. "Pizza!" I screeched, jumping up and running to the door.

"Yes!" Karlie yelled, bouncing up from her seat and following, right at my heels.

I grabbed the box from one of my security guards (I had already given him money to pay) and carried them carefully into my apartment.


As Taylor was getting plates for the pizza and the salad she had prepared, I heard a small "meow" behind me. Turning abruptly, I startled Meredith, who was glaring at me with a puzzled expression on her face. I knelt down beside her to pet her behind her ears.

"Hey, Meredith. I'm Karlie. How's it going?" I asked. She rolled over onto her back, begging me to pet her stomach. I did, and she began purring. I picked her up and brought her onto the couch for a good cuddle. She curled up onto my lap and was purring loudly when Taylor walked in.

"I see you've already met Meredith, then," she smiled, placing two plates of pizza and salad onto the wooden coffee table. "Be prepared: she doesn't keep up her friendly facade for long." She handed me a glass of water. "But, she does seem to really like you. You'll have to stick around and see how it turns out," she mused.

I giggled, "How could anyone this adorable have such a dark side?" I was looking at Taylor now, not entirely sure who I was talking about anymore.

Taylor chuckled darkly, "You would never guess what goes on in her head."

I grabbed my plate and took a bite of the pizza. "Oh baby, I've missed you!" I exclaimed excitedly. Taylor laughed and began to eat her pizza. "What?" I asked, jokingly, "I haven't seen my love in months."

"Oh, so I'm third wheeling and I didn't even know it," Taylor said, pushing her bottom lip out into an exaggerated pout.

I shrugged, "Well, we could always have a threesome."

"I'd be down for that," Taylor deadpanned. My eyes wandered to my pizza, not being able to meet hers. As soon as I flicked them up to meet her deep blue ones, we burst out in nervous laughter once we realized the true weight of what she just said.

She scooted closer to me on the couch. "So, what do you want to do? I was thinking Netflix."

I wiggled my eyebrows, "Oooh, Netflix and chill? Depends. Is the pizza invited?"

Taylor rolled her eyes and playfully slapped my shoulder. "Shut up!"



Three hours, and several glasses of wine, later, Karlie and I had finished the first few episodes of Grey's Anatomy. After disclosing the very offensive fact that she had never seen it, I insisted that we at least watch the first five episodes. The slight buzz of alcohol running through my veins led me to be a little more daring, and so I was pressed up against Karlie's side. Her arm had been placed around me who-knows-how long ago, and there was no way I was moving anytime soon.

I stole a glance up at her, and bit my lips at her expression of concentration: her forehead was creased and her eyes narrowed as she stared at the scene unfolding before her. I couldn't help but find it a little endearing. For the next few minutes, I chose to stare at the girl who's arms were wrapped around me, instead of the episode I'd seen more times than I would ever admit.

Throughout these few minutes, I noticed the little things about her that one might not get to know, unless they had time to observe her like I did. I noticed the way her green eyes would widen slightly, the way she would bite the corner of her lip whenever the show was intensifying. These little gestures caused a warm fluttering in the pit of my stomach, but I tried to eradicate it.

Stop it, Taylor, I thought, she's your friend Karlie, and there is no way you can date her. Karlie glanced down at me, and seemed unsurprised to witness my eyes watching her every movement. I felt a slight blush dance across my face when I realized I had been caught staring.

Instead of looking away, however, my eyes latched onto hers. We were lost in a sea of each other, the T.V. auto-playing the next episode of Grey's merely white noise pushed to the background. I felt us drawing closer and closer, but didn't want to ask the question as thousands of possible scenarios ran through my head, illustrating what could go wrong.

We were now so close that I could feel her faint breath on my lips, and my own heart pounding rapidly in my chest. I wanted to close the scarcely-there gap between us, but with each blink, I remembered a love gone wrong, a love lost. There was no way that I would initiate any sort of kiss, so the only way it would happen would be if-

"Can I kiss you?" Karlie asked. Her voice was a paper falling softly to the ground. And before I could think, before I could second guess myself and fall into the trap of my anxiety, I crashed my lips onto hers.

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