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This is where you get to know a little about the character in the book I made her up my self with some ideas from my friends and other things I like I hope you like her.

*Edit I changed this part up a bit because my view on her has changed from when I started this story to now. I just wanted to let you all know that so you don't get confused.*

Name:Raven *I'm going to keep this because I'm to lazy to change it in the chapters, but she changes her name to Broken later on*


Other names:BrokenShadows

Reason for name:She was born with a raven near and died in the shadows of that same raven. When her soul was replaced she changed causing her to be able to basically break shadows. *I didn't know what to put so sorry if it seems kind of stupid*

How she kills:She pretends to be all sweet and innocent wanting to help those who wanderd into the woods getting lost, but then leading them to the meadow and slicing the victim open from the neck down taking the souls. She sometimes takes there hearts out and eats it.

BirthDay:May, 1st 1998

Age:Around 16-17

Species:Shapeshifter other then that human


Weight: 100

Blood type: O+

Personality:Dark,quiet,loner,gets angry very easy

Personality with CP group: Can get pissed very easy, mostly quiet, friendly to some if they give her the same respect, if you mess with her she will hurt you.

Likes:Drawing,singing,music,her guitar,and reading

Dislikes:School,most people

Weaknesses: Water to a certain a point(cus of her wings),being in crowded spaces*she has some more but I can't think of them damn brain farts :3*

Strengths: Hand to hand, her daggers,stealth,shadows

Fears:Any one seeing her face *stupid right*, being in close cramped places

Crushes:She has no crushes yet

Powers:Flying, blending in with the shadows, *On very rare occasions* and shapeshifting.

Appearance:Long (to her thighs) black fading to blue hair, purple eyes, dark eye-shadow, black bra, (you know the sport bras you can wear by itself I hope y'all know) black skinny jeans,black knee high lace up boots,black raven wings (when she wants to summon them you know with her powers) black mask that only covers her mouth with a voice changer*not like Toby's mask face thing*,hunting knives strapped to both thighs with a smaller knife strapped on her calf, red ring in the nose,and two black ring in the lip,her hood is practically always up. And a black and silver skull ring. *Edit again: She also has some tail feathers from the raven that she some times puts either in her hair or on her boots. I just wanted to add that in there.*

Friends:Masky, Ben, and Hoodie

I hope you like my person and enjoy the story. *I dont know why you would need to know all this stuff but its there __(-_-)__*

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