Her First Killl

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Hey guys I'm back with an update this is just a filler leading up to the next chapter. This chapter will tell you about her first kill somewhere around a week after she gets her powers hope you all enjoy. :) and I don't own the pic or vid.

It has been a week since you have gotten your powers and you are now ready for your first kill lets see what happens.*the pic is what your knife looks like BTW*

As you walk quietly through the woods you hear a child's voice.

"M-mommy where a-are y-y-you. I'm s-scared" The child stutters scared. You walk closer toward the child knowing that you have to kill her. Walking behind her you tapped on her shoulder making her jump back and let out a quiet "yelp".

"Shhhh its ok I'm here to help you. I heard you while I was out looking for my dog and decided to help you." You lied calming the frightened child down. "A-are you r-really here to help m-me?" The little girl asked fear filling her baby blue eyes.

Taking a notice at her appearance you see that her cloths are ragged and dirty and her short dark brown hair is in knots. "Hehe why easy prey she must have been in the woods for days. She's way to weak to fight back." You thought while simultaneously putting on a fake sweet voice. "Why yes I am here to help a child like you. I love children and can't stand to see a child in need. The child settled down at you words coming closer toward you.

" Do you want me to carry you to a place where we can sleep for the night?" You said kneeling down to her height. "Please I'm so tired and its scary here." The little girl begged holding here hands up at you.

Picking her up in your arms you started walking deeper into the woods toward a meadow you knew was there. "Miss why are you going deeper in the woods?" The child questioned looking up at you. "Well I know there's a meadow just up ahead where we can rest for the night. Also call me Stormie *That's my real name just so ya know :3* and I want to know your name child." You told the little girl.

"Ok, well my name is Melody *I'm sorry if your names Melody :(* and I'm 5 Miss.Stormie." the little girls said as you continued walking. "That's a lovely name oh and look where here." You say walking away from the trees and in to a meadow full of flowers as the silver moonlight shined onto the ground.

Setting little Melody and the ground you took her hand and brought her to the middle making her sit down.

Without her seeing you took out a gag and you knife you had strapped to your leg. Quickly so she couldn't get away you tied the gag on her with a "merfff." You then quickly pinned her legs and arms down taking her knife and putting it to her throat.

"Now now didn't your mother tell you never to trust strangers especially while in the woods? Tsk tsk tsk well I guess your oh how do I put this dead hahaha." You whispered in a low deep voice while staring into her fear filled baby blue eyes.

Tears running down her face as she squirmed under you trying desperately to get free. "Hahaha try try all you want, but you can't escape." You said evily.

The little girl stopped struggling finally realizing her fate. "Well my child I guess I have one last thing to say..........Your Soul Is mine." You said demonically shoving your knife deep in her throat dragging the blade all the way down her belly felling the blood spatter all over you.

Staring into her fading eyes you opens your skull ring letting the soul flow into the ring where the eyes glowed before closing back up and dimming down. Before you took your knife out of her you ripped her heart out taking a bite.

Closing her eyes you got up taking your knife and heading towards the stream close by cleaning the blood of you. Sheathing your knife back you walked back in the woods and back to you tree climbing up in the branches and drifting off to sleep.

I hope you liked this chapter an it wasn't to bad my head was starting to hurt while watching this and it feels a little rushed toward the end anyway plz tell me what you think in the comments I love feedback.
ShadowRaven7 over and out.

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