New Life

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Hello my Shadows it's Drumroll please...........THE LAST CHAPTER. I hope you guys loved the book. This chapter isn't anything special so I hope you enjoy it anyway. *Edit: I realized that I fuck up near the beginning of this book when I said she died at 16 then 4 years later I said she was still 16 and not 20 I also said she's 17 in this chapter so I'm going to change it to 21 because it's also another year later*

Its been almost a year since I've come here and todays my birthday. I'm official 21 to this day. Everything's normal well as normal as a house full of killers can get, but I don't mind. We all respect each other for the most part.

Me and the other proxies do chores and task for out master. Hanging up pages and what not which keeps us really busy all the time, but I like working it keeps me on my toes.

When I first came here I was somewhat cold and cruel from years of isolation in the woods. Being here makes me realize how much I miss human contact. I feel loved and welcomed here more so then anywhere else.

I play games with Ben, have tea parties with Sally, and go shopping with Jane and Clockwork which is a surprise because I hate shopping with a capital H and a burning passion except for that one time when I really wanted that guitar.

My life's great now, we're all a family maybe a bunch of killers, but still a family. I finally feel loved and I do have my moments, but doesn't everyone.

I know I'm rambling on, but it's the truth oh and I finally stopped earing my mask all the time. I finally feel comfortable without it trusting that no one will care what I look like. Now I only wear it when we have killing sprees.

Well sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. I'm supposed to help Hoodie and the other with someone *Laughs* and after that Jane, L.J, Sally, and Clockwork are taking me somewhere for my birthday don't know where, but hoping it'll be fun.

By for now and hope to see you soon.

The end

WOW guys I hope you liked this book because I never really thought I would finish it XD, but all of you guys have kept me going even though you don't comment not that I care its seeing that people are reading my story keeps me going. I know this one was short, but I wanted it to be.

Broken: HEY don't forget me after all you dragged my into this hellhole.
Author: Right how could I forget the annoying bitch.
Broken: Da fuck you call me? *Pulls out knife*
Author: Nothing nothing just tell the readers what you have to say so you can go back to the book.
Broken: That's what I thought anyway thank you for reading her book. Writing this has actually gotton her though dark times.
Broken/Author: Bye guys wait for the sequel to be out :3

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