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Hello back again with another chapter and since it's the weekend I will try to update more, so enjoy :3 I also do not own the vid.

Through out the night you couldn't really sleep so around 5:00 5:30 in the morning you gave up. "God dammit I can't seem to fall asleep Ahhh." You mentally screamed getting out of bed stretching.

"Maybe a hot shower will help me relax a bit." You thought walking to the bathroom.

After the shower you shut off the water and hopped out wrapping a towel around you and walking out. You walked to your wardrobe grabbing some cloths. *Black long sleeve shirt, black with a hint of blue jeans, black and blue hoodie, your mask, and a pair of blood red knee high combat boots.*You put them on pulling your wet hair in a pony tail letting it rest on your shoulder and doing your make up.

You went back to the bathroom, grabbed your tooth brush and paste, and began brushing your teeth. "My teeth look dull. Maybe I need to sharpen them." You thought rinsing your mouth and looking in the mirror.

You ran your tongue across your teeth feeling them. "Yup they need sharpening." You thought walking out the bathroom.

You walked over to where your bookbag is *Near the computer*grabbed it and set it on your bed. You looked through it looking for your sharpening stones. "Ahh there they are." You thought grabbing them and putting them in your pocket.

"Well I'd better get going down stairs." You thought looking at your phone it reading "7:50, Feb. 25 2016." You pulled your hood up and mask on, grabbing your earbuds, and walking out the door shutting and locking it behind you.

You headed downstairs and into the living room where Ben was playing games and E.J. and Hoodie where sitting on the couch. When Hoodie and E.J. saw you they shuffled away a little bit. "What fucking scardy cats." You thought sitting in the chair close to the t.v Ben's playing Fallout 4 on.

Your reached into your pocket grabbing your phone and the two stones. You put on "Nightmare" By NateWantsToBattle, plugging in one earbud while taking you stones and pulling down your mask bringing them to your teeth.

You started to sharpen you teeth while the song played. *She sharpens all of her teeth except the molars*

Just sleep, Just dream.

Just sleep, Just dream.

Just sleep, Just dream....

"Broken what ya doing?" Ben questioned snapping you away from your work as you paused the song. "Sharpening my teeth." You replied forgetting you didn't have your mask on.

*Le gasp*

Hoodie and E.J. gasped at hearing your real voice. "What?" You questioned standing up and staring at them. "We've never heard your voice before this is a first." They both said.

"Oh did I forget to put my mask on?" You questioned. "Yeah ya did and what are you listening to?" Ben replied/questioned. "Whatever and I'm listing to Nightmare by NateWantsToBattle." You said sitting back down and continuing to sharpen your teeth unpausing the song.

In the back of my mind I've been trying to chase a monster this whole time...

"So can I see your face?" E.J. questioned standing beside you. "Fine just quite bugging me." You said sliding your hoodie off revealing the claw scars across your right cheek and a scar arcoss your left eye.

E.J. stood there frozen, Hoodie just stared, while Ben paid no attention for he has already seen your face.  "How did you get the scars?" Hoodie asked walking over to you. "Fight." You simpily said going back to your teeth.

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