The Reawakening

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Sorry for the very late update. Now enjoy this Chapter.

All you remember was closing your eyes and sinking into the black nothing. "Child its not your time, your dear friend has given his life to preserve yours, now wake up you have your whole new life ahead of you" You here a voice say as you suddenly saw a blinding light. You blacked out.

You open your eyes feeling something heavy on your chest. Looking you Shadow's limp body laying right above your heart. "Shadow?" You call.

"...." Silence. Remembering what you heard while you where in the black you realized. "No no no Shadow why you promised me." You said tears streaming down your face as you picked up he's cold oh so cold body. You wrapped his body in a soft cloth getting ready to bury him when you heard a voice.

"Don't cry my child I will always be with you, now you want some revenge on some low life human don't you?" Shadow's voice questioned in your head.

" did you know? And yes I do." You questioned back. "I know you I have watched you for 16 years." Shadow replied. "I can help you get revenge on them just watch." He said.

You stood there waiting them all of a sudden a cloud of smoke circled around you feeling cold air all around you changed for good.

When the cloud went away you picked up your mirror from bag and held it up. You gasped at you new look. *look at the beginning of this book to kind of picture what you look like just cus I'm lazy and don't have alot of time*

"Goodbye ShadowRaven I will always be watching over you." Shadow whispered as his voice disappeared. "Wait please don't go I need you." You begged falling to your knees crying.

"Let's get this over with." You said walking over to  Shadow's limp body. Digging a hole for him and before you buried him you took 16 feathers from his wings and body placing them on your boots and in your hair. Setting his body in the hole and pulling the dirt to cover his body you stood feeling something heavy suddenly on your back.

When you reached to touche what it was you felt feathers. Looking behind you you saw wings with shining jet black feathers.

"Thank you Shadow for everything." You say quietly as you gathered your bag and the other little thing you do own you started walking toward you favorite place the lake.

As you walked you heard a faint voice. "Thank you for everything as well my dear ShadowRaven." "I will miss you and I will always remember you." You say shifting your wings a little walking off to the lake.

I know this was a horrible chapter but I really had no time to type and I had absolutely no ideas what so ever but I have you still enjoyed this chapter next chapter will have a creepypasta person in it so I need ideas for a boy one *yes it has to be a boy don't ask 0-o* Well I look forward to your comments and suggestions. I'll see you all in the next chapter bye :3

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