Four Years Later

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I'm really sorry that I havent updated in a while my WiFi has been acting up. But here's an update for you all.
*I'm writing this while watching my sisters and trying to keep the house warm untill my parents get home from work so I'm sorry if it seems rushed*

Four years later

Four years of stalking and killing kids and teens, stealing from random peoples houses, and almost getting caught by the cops *like alot of time* this is we're you are now.

Quickly and quietly you slink in the shadows of the trees as you stalk a young teen girl thinking of a plan on how to kill her.

Finally you made a plan. You walked out of the shadows. "Excuse me but are you lost? If you are I can help you. I know my way around here." You spoke up from behind the girl.

"Ahh!" The teen quietly screamed spinning around staring wide eyed at you before calming down after looking you up and down taking note of what your wearing which didn't look threatening. *You are wearing black shorts, dark blue short sleeve shirt with a black jacket and black and white convers* so she decided to trust you *smart girl but not smart enough :3*

"Yes I do need help if you can help that is if you can." The girl said with a grim smile. "Ok just follow me and I can get you out of here,but we have to hurry its getting dark." You said lookin up at the sun sinking down. "Alright lets go." The girl replied back following you as you walked farther into the woods.

"So what's your name?" The teen asked. "My name is Ember weird right? Oh and what's yours?" I asked/lied. "Well my name is Ebony." Ebony replied. "What a pretty name Oh and look where at the meadow. Why don't we rest a bit." You said as you both left the woods and entered the meadow. "Sure we can rest." She said walking up to a tree and sliding down to sit next to the trunk.

"Oh Ebony since this is my usual hang out spot I have some snacks and drinks in a hollowed out tree so I'm just going to get it ok? You told Ebony walking back in the woods. "Ok but don't be long I don't really like being in the woods alone." She replied looking up as you walked off.

"Well if you don't like the woods then you shouldn't have wandered into one dumb bitch." You thought as you walked up toward a hollowed out tree. You grabbed not snacks but instead you grabbed your black skinny jeans,mask,your black sports bra,*don't question it just go with it* your silver skull ring,and your black knee length combat boots. Changing out of the cloths your wearing you grabbed your hunting knives strapping them onto your thighs before walking back to Ebony adjusting your mask along the way.

Walking back to where Ebony is you saw her standing up with her back face you and by this time it's a little before midnight. Taking the chance you stalked up to her knife and a rag in hand.

Quickly you put the knife to the girls neck holding her in place and covering her mouth. "If you scream or try to get away I will not hesitate to slit your pathetic throat got it." You whispered in a dark voice into Ebony's ear. You removed you hand but not the knife or your grip on the weak shaking girl.

"Where's E-ember d-did you k-kill her?" The girl stuttered. "Haha don't you know a person by there voice you stupid girl." You laughed in her ear swinging her around with a grip still on her neck forcing her to stare you in the eyes. Her eyes widen as she realized who had her. "N-n-no I thought y-you where going t-to help m-me." "Haha don't you know not to trust strangers especially if your in the woods. Now I grow tired of talking lets play shall we?" You chuckled darkly throwing her to the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk didn't I tell you not to run away?" You questioned playfully as you victim started to scoot back to get away. Pouncing on her you held her hands above her head an your legs pinning hers to the ground preventing her from moving.

With your free hand you tugged your mask down showing you razor sharp teeth still staring into the fear ridden eyes of your poor victim. Taking no time at all you plunged your knife into the girls throat hearing the sounds of gurgling as the teen choked on her own blood. You ripped the knife down her throat through her belly feeling the blood splatter on you face as she bleed out.

Standing you licked the blood off your knife as your ring did its job of taking the soul from the body all the while watching as the life fades from the body eyes.

"Haha you where a pretty one too but if you wander anywhere near me your just asking to die." You say closing your ring,pulling you mask back up, and walking off to a stream.

While cleaning up at the stream you swore you hear a voice and some leaves rustling, but when you turned around you saw nothing. Not paying it no mind you walked back to the hollow tree where you settled down, pulling out your phone *you stole*, plugged in your ear buds *you also stole*, ans falling asleep while listening to medicine by Hollywood Undead.

I hope this chapter doesn't feel to rushed to me it does though. Well this chapter was fun lots of killing but the next chapter will actually go somewhere I promise.
Well ShadowRaven7 gone bye my Shadows of the dark :3

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