The Encounter

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Hey my Shadows *just go with it* here's another update. Enjoy. :3

"TOBY" You hear two other guy's scream. Looking behind you still walking away. "Shit how many of these fuckers are there?" You thought seeing the two guys one in a orange hoodie hood up who you cant see the face and the other guy with a yellow jacket with a white mask with black eye holes and really dark brown hair *Tell me if he has black or brown hair because in some books I read he has brown while others have black and I'm really confused about that* looking around while bending over the so called "Toby" guy.

Once your in the tree line out of sight of the two guys you stop and look back at them thinking your hidden in the shadows when you and come face to face*more like face to stomach* with a really tall man. Looking up you to see the man has no face noting just a blank white slate. No waiting for the man to do something you turned on heels and took off back into the meadow you rather take you chances with the to guys then this freak.

Racing across the meadow toward the guys attempting to run past them and get away you where picked up by a tentical .*what ever you want to call them I have no clue*  You struggled to get free and you see the thing that got you it was of course the no face man holding you. You managed to grab your knife and stab it in thing that had you. It let go of you and you landed on the ground on your feet with a slight thud. You looked around seeing the guys standing looking at you then at the faceless man. Nodding they both started coming after you walking slowly one with a metal pipe and one with a rock *I really don't know what they use foe wearpons so plz tell me what they actually use* "Damn it damn it to hell I cant take them all at once I'm already worn out for that fucker over there knocked out." You thought as you backed away.

"Child come with us." A voice said in you head. "And what if I don't?" You questiond back."Then I will have to do this the hard way." The voice said back as static started tofill your ears. Dropping you knife you coverd your ears looking up to see that the two boys stopped coming near you and looking up at the No-Faced man. Your atemps to get rid of he static faild as it bcame stronger sending you to your knees clutching you head in pain tighter.

"Child just surrender and this will all stop." The voice said over the head splitting static."NEVER" You screamed at the top of your lungs sinking to the ground. It all became to much as you let out an ear splitting scream that echoed through the woods and finally collapsed to the ground seeing black as your conscience slipped away.

Sorry if this chapter seems short i'll try to make the next one longer but just tell me what you think. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Shadowraven7 Over and Out.

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