Test At Midnight

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Hello back again with a new chapter I just had to write more ideas for the next few chapters. Hope you enjoy.

You woke up early in the yawing and stretching. Getting up from your bed you walked to the bathroom stripping from your pjs, turning the shower on and stepping in bathing.

After washing off you turned off the shower stepping out and wrapping a towel around yourself as you walked back to your room and over to the wardrobe opening it. You stared in shock as the wardrobe is filled with your style of cloths. "Wow, now lets get dressed and head down for breakfast." You thought grabbing some cloths and changing into them. *Red and black tank top, black jeans, black and purple hoodie, your mask, your silver skull ring, your black combat boots, and your silver and black belt.* once you changed you grabbed your knives strapped them to your belt and legs then grabbed your bag, phone, and ear buds then you headed down to the kitchen pulling up your hood along the way.

You walked through the hallway and down the stairs to the dinning room where there where only a few people at the table eating. You grabbed some food *waffels, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, the works* and toke a seat next to Sally. "Hey Baroken do you want to have tea party with me after breakfast?" Sally mumbled with a mouth full of food. "YeAh, lEtS JuSt eAt FiRsT." You replied taking a bite of your food. "YAY!" Sally exclaimed eating the last of her food.

You finishe your food taking yours and Sallys plate to the kitchen where you see Jane washing the dishes. "Hey Broken gonna play with Sally hu?" She questiond as Sally followed you. "YeP, WeLl I bEtTeR gEt GoInG." You replied as Sally pulled you out of the kitchen. "Well have fun." Jane said from the kitchen as Sally dragged you upstairs.

You and Sally walked down the hall till you came to her pink door. "Come in and play with me!" Sally said excited opening the door. You walked into the room seeing pink every where. The walls, the floors, everything is different shades of pink. By the wall on the far right is a pink bed and in front of it is a toy chest. Along the left wall is some dressers and book shelves filled with books and in the very center of the room you see a small table with some tea cups and a tea pot sitting on top of it.

"Sit down Broken." Sally said taking a seat at the table. You walked over to the table and took a seat. Sally then poured some tea in a cup and put a couple sugar cubs in it handing the cup to you. "Here you go Broken enjoy." "ThAnK yOu." You thanked her taking the cup and taking a sip. You expected it to be bad considering it to be made by a kid, but to your surprise it was really good.

"ThIs iS ReAlLy GoOd SaLlY." You said finishing off the last sip. "Thank you. And may I ask a question?" Sally said/asked. "Go oN." You said setting the cup down looking at her who looked back with green eyes. *Is her eyes green or blue?* "Umm well can I hear your real voice?" She asked in a tiny voice. You thought for a moment. "As LoNg aS yOu DoN't TeLl aNyOnE OkAy?" "Okay, I won't tell anyone I pinky swear." She said holding out her pinky. "AlRiGhT." You said taking her pinky in yours.

After the pinky swear you moved your hand to your mask turning it off. "So Sally this is my real voice like I promised." You said in your real voice. "Ohhh your voice is so pretty." Sally said clapping. "Thank you, but you will not tell anyone got it." You told Sally your voice turning serious. "Got it." She said just as serious. Then Ben burst through the door.

"Broken. You. Me. Games. Now!" He shouted grabbing your are dragging you out the door and down the stairs to the living room. "Now Broken I have beaten everyone in the mansion at this game Left For Dead 2. *I have no clue what this game is about my brother just gave me the idea os putting this game in the book* Now we will see who will win at this game today are you ready?" Ben questions you as you sit down on the floor in front of the T.v.

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