Ten Years Later

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Ten years of birthdays and growing up young Raven is ten see what happens when her life is turned upside down. I do NOT own this video btw.

"CAW CAW CAW!" Shadow screeched waking you up from your slumber. "What?...." You mumbled rubbing your eyes sitting up.

"NO DON'T GO UP THERE!" You heard your mother scream. "Ha ha ha." You heard a man's voice as you stood petrified in one spot.

"ACH Nooo." Your mother gurgled as you heard a thump of something hitting the floor.

"Mommy?" You whispered terrified. *Thump thump thump.* you heard foot steps down the hall.

"Where is she?" A deep voice said as the man walked down the hall all the while your standing there in your room terrified. "caw caw." Shadow cawed quietly tugging at your bookbag that was filled with all the thing you need for survival.

*Your parents want make sure you stay safe.*

Shadow flew back over to you tugging at your pants toward the window. "Alright lets go" You say as you grab your bag.

*Thump thump thump.* The foot steps grew closer. "Caw." Shadow cawed going to your opened window. "You want me to jump don't you?"

Shadow shook his head up and down saying yes. "Let's go." You said climbing on the edge of the window.

You leaped out the window just as you heard your door open. Feeling the air rush around you as you fell. As you landed you fell on a bush that broke your fall.

"Ha you dumb child you've gone and killed your self." Said the man thinking you where dead as he closed the window.

Hearing him walk away you quickly got up and back away from the house. Feeling Shadow rest on your shoulder you saw smoke pour from the kitchen window.

"Oh no" You whispered. Shadow tugging on your shoulder pulling you away from the house and to the woods.

*insert explosion here*

You stared in dismay as you saw your house explode seeing the flames reach toward the sky hearing car alarms and people running out the houses screaming. You just stood there with a tear in your eye.

Then you spun on your heels sprinting into the dark woods with Shadow flying next to you. You eventually stopped next to a hollowed out tree and decided to stop.

You plopped down on the grown taking in what had happened. "N...no why did this happen?" You sobbed holding you knees to your chest. "Caw....." Shadow cawed softly and sadly sitting on your shoulder.

"I guess where on our own now aren't we?" You said to Share wiping your face on your sleeves. Shadow said nothing just shook his head.

"Well we better sleep its late." You say yawning climbing into the tree.

You laid your head down on the moss surrounding the inside of the tree letting the sounds of nature pull you into a deep sleep as the warmth of Shadow covers your face.

I hope you like this chapter most of what I typed was NOT the same as what I wrote in my notebook :3. I'm not mad though I just thought that it would be better to change some thing up. Well I will see you all in the next chapter.

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