Who Are They?

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I had really no idea for the name of this chapter but I still hope you enjoy it none the less.

??? Pov

I watched as the girl coverd her ears trying to fight it. "Just give already." I thought as the girl fell to her knees. Slender was right she is a fighter. I glanced over at Slenderman seeing his fist clenched in a ball as he concentrated, then I glanced over at Hoodie still trying to wake Toby up. "I'm surprised that she managed to knock him out, but then again don't judge a person by there looks I learned that the hard way." I thought as walked over to Hoodie to help him with Toby.

"Hoodie go get his hatchets I'll wake him." I told Hoodie. "Alright I'll go get them." Hoodie said as he walked off to go find them.

"AHHHHHHH!!" A scream pierced through the woods. Without turning around and from the soft thud I heard I knew it was the girl who finally gave up. "Toby? Hey! Get the fuck up its time to go." I said crouching down and lightly tapping the side of his face.

"Uhhh nnn." Toby groaned as he sat up holding his face in hid hands which I can say was bleeding. "What happened?" Toby asked as i helped him stand. "You got your ass kicked by a girl." Hoodie said walking up behind him a hatchet in each hand. "A-and how-w that-t h-happen-n?" Toby asked wiping blood off his face. "well you let your guard down." I said.

"Well when your done chitchatting then I suggest that you all head off to the mansion, and Masky carry this girl back for me I have some stuff i need to do before going back." Slenderman said/thought as he teleported away. "Alright lets get this over with." I said walking over to the passed girl who is face first on the ground. I rolled her over on her back, picked her up bridal style and started walking back toward the mansion.

*Small time skip when you all are in the middle of the woods close to the mansion*

"Damn how much does this girl weigh she's fucking heavy." I complained shifting the girls weight in my arms walking through the woods. " S-shut the-e f-fuck up M-masky don't-t say t-that about-t a-a girl-l." Toby said. "Says the guy who got his ass beat by that same bitch." I replied back sharply still walking.

"I'm NoT A bItCH." The girl said in a glitchy voice surprising and causing me to drop her and the others to stare as she calmly got up.

Sorry again is this chapter seems short but this is all I had for this chapter. The next chapter should be out right after this one. ShadowRaven7 out. :3

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