Lazy Day

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This is just a filler chapter till I can get the next chapter written down. This is all off the top of my head so please excuse this chapter if its bad. And for all you Clockwork lovers and shippers of Ticciwork I will make it so Broken and Clockwork don't hate each other.

You wake all groggy and exhausted from last night. You climb out of your bed smelling blood and you look down to see blood all over your cloths. "Damn I must have been tired or I would have at least changed." You thought walking over to the bathroom.

You took a shower and changed into some clean cloths. *Black and red shorts, deep purple shirt, your mask, and a plain black hoodie.You are also bare footed.* You grabbed your dirty cloths from the hamper and the floor along with your bag heading out of your room to the laundry room. You smelled the smell of laundry soap as you walked into the room. You walked over to the washing machine past plies of dirty and clean cloths seeing Clockwork putting cloths in the machine.

"Great now I have to deal with her." You sighed. "HeY ClOcKwOrK AnY rOoM fOr MoRe?" You asked her walking up beside her. "Yeah there's room for a few more." She replied not looking at you. "OkAy WeLl I'm gOiNg To pUt sOmE oF My ClOtHs In there." You replied back placing your cloths in there turning to walk away.

"Wait Broken, I uhh need to tell you something." Clockwork said placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned around to face her looking down at her because you taller. "YeS ClOcKwOrK?" You questioned raising an eyebrow. "Well I wanted to apologize for how I acted a couple of days ago. I just got jealous when you where with Toby. I'm just afraid of losing him." She said rubbing her arm avoiding your gaze. "It'S OkAy ClOcKwOrK. If ToBy WaNtEd To bE WiTh sOmEoNe ElSe hE wOuLd HaVe lEfT YoU eVeN bEfOrE mEeTiNg mE HahA." You told Clockwork chuckling a little.

"Haha I guess your right. Well I have to get on washing these cloths now so see you later I guess." Clockwork laughed back turning back to the washing machine. "SeE yOu LaTeR." You replied heading out the room and down the hall to the kitchen. "Wow I can't belive that she's being nice." You thought. 

You walked into the kitchen over to the fridge opening it and grabbing a bottle water. You closed the fridge door walking out of the kitchen through the dining room, living room, and out the door into the yard. "Now since I have a free day I'm just going to hang out at my tree a do nothing." You thought walking across. "Hey!, Broken wait up." You heard a voice yell just as you where about to enter the woods.

You turn around to see Ben running out of the house waving his arms around. "YeS BeN?" You questioned him as he caught up to you panting. "I *pant* wanted to *pant* come with you." Ben replied. "WeLl I'm jUsT GoInG tO My tReE tO HaNg aRoUnD. YoU cAn CoMe If yOu WaNt. Oh AnD yOu ReAlY nEeD tO wOrK OuT mOrE." You told Ben laughing. "Ya ya I know. So it's really okay for me to come?" Ben asked as he caught his breath.

"YeS YoU cAn CoMe aLl I'm dOiNg Is hAnGiNg aRoUnD My tReE." You replied walking into the woods. "Cool, Lets go." Ben said running ahead of you. "For a guy who sits and plays games all day he sure is fast." *Sorry if this sounded offending I don't want to offend anyone :3* laughing and taking off after him.


You and Ben reached your tree out of breath from running. "Haha *pant* ThAt wAs fUn." You panted catching your breath. "Ya I *Pant* know *pant* now what are we going to do." Ben asked as he caught his breath. "WeLl I'm GoInG tO dRaW tHen AfTeR ThAt wE cAn gO tO tHe LaKe AnD SwIm." You told Ben sitting at the foot of the tree pulling your sketchbook and some drawin g pictures from your bag. "Well actualy I'm kinda don't like water....hehe...." Ben replied awkwardly sitting down beside you as you start to draw. "Aww cOmE oN BeN It'lL Fun, BuT If yOu dOn'T wAnT To tHeN wE CaN dO SoMeThInG ElSe." You replied/begged.

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