The Fight

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Finally I'm back I was busy with school and we had no WiFi for the past week and we just got it back on today so here's is an update for you. Oh and I have made some changes to the story the girls name is going to be Broken Shadows and she will have a voice changer in her mask. Just wanted to let you all know so later there wont be any confusion. Hope you don't mind the changes though.

Charging at the boy knives at hand you swiped aiming for his face, but missing only by a hair as the boy dodged trying to push you off the cliff for a second time only for you to backflip turn on your heels and sprint toward the meadow.

Hearing twigs snap and leaves rustle as the twitching boy gave chase through the woods. To confuse him you leaped into the tree nearest to you not slowing you pace as you jump from branch to branch dodging leaves and other branches above you head.

Seeing the meadow in the distance you jumped from the tree your in and sprinted to the middle of the meadow stopping to catch your breath as you turned around to watch out for the boy still giving chase. The boy then suddenly burst from the woods to the meadow gasping,panting,and twitching heavily. Not giving him the opportunity you throw your knife aiming for his leg to cripple him, but to your surprise he just stares at it, pulls it out, and stares at you with no trace of pain while throwing your knife behind him.

"Shit shit shit, he cant feel pain. I have to take him out while I can." You thought as the boy took a step forward slowly but steady hands gripped tightly on his hatchets. You put your one knife left back in its case while slowly getting on your knees pretending to surrender. Still kneeling as he approached letting his defense down and putting his weapons back on his belt. "Don't you know never to let your guard down when around a unknown hostile killer. You though taking the chance grabbing his weapons before he can react as you rolled out of the way, standing up, and throwing the weapons across the field and into a tree.

"S-smart move-e." The boy stutterd as you put your hands up. "But-t not-t s-smart enough *tic*." He ran toward you taking you by surprise and punching you in the stomach. Gripping your stomach in pain he kicked you in the side sending you sprawling. You stood up couging only to be put back on the groung with a fist to the face . Sitting in the crouching position you coughed,pulled down your mask for a split second to spit out blood before ducking as a branch swung in your direction. You spin around kicking the boy legs out from under him sending him to the ground and the branch flying. Jumping on him befor he can get up and started to punch him repeatedly in the face. After about the third hit he was out cold. you get off of him and start to collect you thrown knives.once you have your knives you start to leave thinking its over when....

Sorry for the cliff hanger . Who will come next you'll just have to wait till the next chapter. :3

I hope this chapter is okay. I have a lot more to type that I have I have written down so you'll just have to wait.

ShadowRaven7 Over And Out.

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