The Death

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As the years went by Raven grew into a young teen with Shadow helping her live off the land *stealing from teen girls from time to time to get "new" cloths to wear* She stayed away from people because something terrible happened when she was about 11-12. She was shot of in the leg by a stranger while she was robbing their house after that she couldn't trust anyone anymore . It soon healed,but what she didn't know was that she had an infections running about her body laying dormant untill her 16th birthday. Now let's see what happens shall we.

You woke up with a fever and chills. You had been sick the past couple days and you just shrugged it off thinking it was just allergies. Then your leg started to hurt thinking it was just acting up because of the unusual cold weather, but as you lay there unable to move you realize that it's just more then allergies and a sore leg.

"Why does this have to happen to me especially on my birthday?!" You croak. "Caw caw." Shadows voice was muffled by water soaked moss he was carrying.

*don't question just go with it*

"Thank you Shadow." Raven said softly drinking the cold refreshing water.

The day went on well into the night with Shadow giving Raven water and keeping her warm. Then right before midnight Raven sat up with the little bit of strength she had left and looked at Shadow with glazed purple eyes.

"Shadow please come here." You call him over in a weak voice. "Caw?" Shadow caws questioningly flying over to her and hopping on her lap.

"I'm just going to be forward with this. I'm dieing I can feel my life slipping through my fingers." You told Shadow sadly laying back down.

"Caw...." Shadow cawed as a tear slipped out of his blood red eye. "Don't be sad at least I'll be with the one I love, but promise me that when I die you'll go find another child that needs protecting." You say looking deep into Shadow's eyes. "I love you Shadow never forget that." You said barely whispering closing you eyes as darkness dragged you down to an everlasting sleep.

Shadow climbed onto Raven chest. Then it struck midnight her breathing stop and her heart beat slowed down she let out a sigh and took her last breath before laying still. "" Shadow cawed weeping.

Then Shadow got an idea even though he promised Raven promises are meant to be broken. Shadow sat down right above Raven's heart. As his soul went into Raven's body he laid his head down feeling her heart beat start back up and her breath on his shining feathers as he slowly closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry my child I have to do this" Shadow thought as he sunk into a sleep of no return.

I hope you like this chapter. And I need some help in a couple of chapters a head I will add a creepypasta person *it has to be a boy sorry :(* and I need ideas,but I'm not telling you why ;) but I really do need help so comment and plz help me thanks and I will see you all in the next chapter. This has been ShadowRaven7
*P.s I don't own the vid or pics*

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