Peeping Tom?

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I'm letting you all know a head of time that I'm going to end the story soon it's not because I have no ideas or anything like that it's just I feel like I should end it around here. *I might write a sequel don't hold me to it though and my "w" key isn't working the well so excuse the typos ith "w" in them it was a hassle just to type this.*

You wake up slowly feeling stiff with a splitting headache. "Uhh why did I have to drink last night and why couldn't have fallen asleep in my bed?" You questioned yourself raising you head up slowly wincing at the sudden pain shooting through your neck and head.

You got up slowly walking over to your nightstand stretching your sore muscles and grabbing the bottle of ibuprofen along with an ice cold water bottle. You opened the bottle placing two pills in your mouth downing them with the water without a second thought.

"I need coffee." You thought rubbing your sore eyes opening the bedroom door and walking out. You walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where Slender's making coffee and breakfast. "Good morning Broken, want some coffee and breakfast?" He asked turning around from the stove where he's cooking eggs. "Just coffee......." You muttered walking like a zombie over to the pot of coffee. "Haha hungover aren't you." Slender laughed turning back to the stove. "....Grrrr....." You growled a little making a cup of coffee just coffee no creamer or anything just black.

You walked over to the counter leaning on it drinking your coffee trying to get rid of your punding headache. Ben then  stumbled in going straight for the coffee as well. "Hey........ow Broken hungover as well?" He questioned holding his head as he got him a cup. "Uh hu..." You replied taking another sip. "Ha....Me too." Ben said heading out the kitchen. "I'll be going now." You told Slender placing your cup in the sink walking out the room and heading for your room.

You walk into your room turning on the light. "Damn I need to get rid of this headache. I should take a shower that always helps." You thought gripping your head in pain. You locked your door and grabbed some cloths heading to the bathroom leaving the door cracked a bit.

You hopped in the shower turning on the hot water letting the stream hit the back of your head massaging away built up tension. "Oh my Zalgo this feels so good." You thought massaging shampoo in your hair.


"What the fuck?" You thought hearing the sound of a door being opened sticking your head out the shower looking for the noise. "Just my imagination. Maybe I'm finally going crazy." You thought bringing your head back in the shower not hearing anymore noises and rinsing the shampoo out your hair.

You put conditioner in your hair scrubbing your scalp. "Wow my head doesn't hurt as much now." You thought rinsing your hair again and putting scrubbing your body down with body wash.

*Thump Creak*

You heard another noise. "What the actual fuck? This isn't my imagination someone is in here." You started to get paranoid quickly rinsing the soap off you and getting ready to get out while turning the water off.

"Damn that ass." You heard a whisper and a slight whistle. You spun around as fast as you could covering yourself up seeing Silver standing with his head poked in the shower looking you up and down licking his lips.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!." You screamed slapping him in the face hard causing him to jump back and run out the bathroom.

"WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU YOU BETTER PRAY TO ZALGO YOU'LL BE ABLE TO HAVE KIDS." You screamed after him jumping out the shower and quickly getting dressed. *Just your black sports bra , black shorts, and your bare feet.* Not even bothering to brush your tangled wet hair or put on your mask you ran out the bathroom and out your open bedroom door chasing Silver as he took off toward his and his brother's room.

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