The Meeting

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Ok so this is kind of weird for me to type on my Dads laptop so bear with me,but here is an update for you all hope you all enjoy.

ShadowRaven7 over and out.

Waking up form you slumber and with music still blasting in your ears you pulled the ears buds from your ears turning the music off. Jumping down from the tree you where sleeping in you stretched before gathering your cloths and heading for the stream. Stripping your self of the dirty cloths you slept in you bathed your self in the stream before changing into your new fresh set of cloths. (the cloths beining a simple black tank top with dark grey jeans and some black Adidas plus your mask and your dark grey and black hoodie.) Putting the hood up on your hoodie you walked back to the hollowed out tree and grabed your belt and knives strapping one on to your belt, one on your thigh, and one on your calf.

"since I'm not planning on killing someone today I think I will just walk around the woods and maybe head over to the lake." You thought as you grabed your bag slinging it over your shoulder and started walking in the direction of the lake.

Time skip because of my lazy ass :3

You walked out of the woods and over to the lakes edge. Sitting down you opend your bag and pulled out your sketchbook, a drawing pencile,pulled out your phone,plugged you ears buds in,and started drawing while listing to random song on your playlist.

After a while you got bored and put you drawing stuff back in your bag, standing up and started to walk back to your sleeping place. When you reached the tree you placed you bag inside it you turned back around and headed in the direction of the meadow. "Now I really need to relax when I reach the meadow....well as relaxed as I cant get being a killer and all I do have to stay on my toes for danger." you thought walking toward the meadow that's when you heard.......


Spinning on your heels scaning the area to see who or what made the noise. Seeing no one your turned back around pulling the hood of your hoodie up higher on your head and placing a hand on your knife as you continued walking to the meadow. "My mind must be playing tricks on me, but I also did hear something yesterday by the stream I think." You thought getting an even tighter grip on the knife at your side.

As if the thing following you read your mind you felt the sharp cold steel of a blade on your neck and a gloved hand over your mouth. Freezing in place you where about to grab your knife when..."N-now be-e a *tic* g-good girl and-d l-let g-o of-f *tic* the knife." The guys voice orderd stuttering while ticing. Obeying what the guy said you let go of the kife. "N-now if y-you scream *tic* I-I will slit-t y-your throat-t." Said the guy pushing the hatchet harder on your throat taking the hand away from your mouth.

"Start walking" He orderd. You started walking with him steering you in the dirction he wants you to go in. As you both walked through the woods you see between the trees a cliff. "Is this ass going to throw me off that cliff? Fucking Really? Well if that's true then he's got a surprise in store for him haha." You thought as you both got closer to the cliff edge you surprisingly not scared.

"N-now just s-stay still *tic* and it-t w-will all b-be over-r soon-n." The guy said as you reached the edge of the cliff you not able to take another step. As he starts to push you off the cliff you say a deep dark voice. "Haha you have made a terrible mistake."

The wind whipping at you face,your hair flying as your hood flys off your head. You heard laughter as the ground rushed up toward you faster and faster. Thinking quickly you swung your arms so your finger tips touched your back summoning your wings. With your wings summoned you spred the black raven wings out lifting you up just before you hit the ground.

The laughter was replaced with a growl as you shot up to meet the guy who tried to kill you. with your wings keeping you up you stared at the boy wearing orange goggles and a mouth guard shock and disbelief filling his eyes. "You think ypu can get rid of me this easily? Ha you don't know who your messing with." you said in a demonic voice as your purple eyes started to glow. "W-well then *tic tic* b-bring it-t o-on-n."The boy said hatred replacing the shock in his eyes as he got into his battle stance.

"I would be glad to beat your sorry ass." You said your eyes glowing even brighter as you put your hood back on your head. With a flap of you powerful wings you sailed over the his head touching you back once again to make them disappear frontflipping and landing on your feet grabbing a knife in both of your hands. "Bring it on." you said you charged at him knives ready.

OK so I feel like this chapter is complete shit and the actual fighting starts next chapter, but I hope you enjoy it none the less. I will update as soon as I can. I couldn't really find a song that really fits this chapter so the song is Phonix  By Fall Out Boy.

ShadowRaven7 Over and Out :3.

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