The Trip

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Again I don't know what to name this chapter so I hope this will do.

Your Pov

You woke up feeling arms under then you realized that you where being carried with them not realizing that your where awake so you just keeped you body limp and still like your still asleep easedropping on there conversation. "Damn how much does this girl weigh she's fucking heavy." Yoy heard the guy carring you say as he shifted your weight. You blood started to boil as youn held back the urge to slap him and instead just comtinued to listen to what they say.

"S-shut t-the fuck-k up-p M-masky don't-t say t-that a-about-t a girl-l." The guy named Toby or so you think said. You felt glad that he stood up for you, but then again he did try to kill you. "Says the guy who got beat up by that same bitch." The so called Masky guy said in a cold voice as they continued walking.

"Did...did he just call me a bitch? Oh HELL no no one calls me a bitch but me!" You though getting more angry by the second. "Alright I'm not keeping my cool this time." while there still walking and chatting without them noticing you slowly brought your hand up to your neck touching your mask and activating the voice changer.

After you activated it you spoke in a deep glitchy voice. "I'm NoT A BiTcH." causing the Masky guy to drop you on the ground on your ass hard while the other two just You calmly got up, stared at the gawking men, and dusted your self of. "How long have you been awake?" The Hoodie guy questioned. "LoNg EnOgH." You replied still in a glitchy voice.

"Run and we will kill you." Masky said. "DoN't WoRrY I kNoW wHeN I'm OuT NuMbErD. You replied in the same cold voice. "Alright t-then *tic* j-just follow-w us-s *tic* The twitching boy said taking the lead. "So whats your name and whats up with your voice if you don't mind me asking." Hoodie asked walking beside me. "Do YoU rEaLlY wAnT To kNoW? AnD I hAvE A vOIcE ChAnGeR." You said hesitantly scooting to the side a little. "Yes I want to know or I wouldn't have asked. Can we hear your real voice by any chance?" He question as you climed over a fallen tree.

"FaIr EnOuGh." You replied as you continued to walk. "WeLl My nAmE iS BrOkEn ShAdOwS, cAlL mE BRoKeN aNd No YoU cAn'T HeAr My rEaL vOiCe." You replied then just staying silent. Then masky broke the silence. "Nice name Broken and a question. Can we see your real face?" "YoU DoN't wAnT tO SeE mY ReAl FaCe." You sighed pulling your hood up higher. "Why?" They questioned in unison. "YoU jUsT DoN't." You said plainly walking the rest of the way in silence.

"B-b-broken where h-here *tic*." Toby said as you all stepped out of the woods pointing to the mansion. "Now Slenderman will want to see you so just wait till one o us gets him okay?" Masky said as you walked up the steps. Nodding you reached for the door handle.

Here is another chapter for all you readers. I have noticed that there are a lot of silent readers not that I'm hating on you all. I would like to get feed back on how the story is for you, but I'm not trying to make you do something that you don't want too so you just keep reading and enjoy the story. ShadowRaven7 Over and Out peace.

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