Meeting Slenderman

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Hey guys third chapter today yes I'm finally getting stuff wrote for a change. I didn't think I would get this ahead but I did I mean that's what I get or not having WiFi for a week and actually get some writing done ha, but anyway on with the story.

You opened the door to the mansion stepping in with the boys close behind keeping on your toes just in case its a trap. *Smart girl Broken* "come on follow us into the living room." Hoodie said walking off. You followed him into a room where you saw a love seat, two couches, a flat screen Tv, and a Ps4 hooked up with a blonde link look alike sitting on the floor playing the system.

"Hey Hoodie,Masky,Toby." The midget said not taking his eyes away from the screen as he greeted the boys. "Hey." They said in unison. "Who's this?" The midget said pausing his game and staring at you with his black and red bleeding eyes as you looked around the room. "I'm BrOkEn ShAdOwS cAlL Me BrOkEn." you replied in your glitchy voice. "Neat name. I'm Ben Drowned call me Ben, and if I may ask what is up with your voice?" Ben said/questioned tilting his head to the side, standing up and walking over to you. "I hAvE A VoIcE ChAnGeR." You replied in a low voice not liking how close he is. "Cool." He simply said walking back over to his games and resuming his game play.

"Why don't I go get Slender and you have a seat on the couch." Masky said walking off to get Slender. Shrugging you walked over to the couch sitting down watching Ben play *Some of you might hate me but...this is my favorite game* Skyrim. "Welcome child to my home where you will live from now on." Slender's voice said in your head. Getting up from the couch you turned to see Slenderman standing their.

"Wait wait wait. If I'm going to be living here then I need to get my stuff from my tree place whatever you want to call it. I just can't leave it there its all I have. And why do I have to live here?" you thought back. "If you don't agree to live here under my house then you'll be an enemy that we will have to kill and about your stuf I guess you can get it but someone will have to go with you." He thought back.

"Okay I'll take her." Ben said turning his game off, standing up and walking out the house you following him. "Okay where is this so called "place"." Ben asked where you where both outside. "JuSt LeAd mE tO ThE MeAdOw AnD tHeN I cAn TaKe YoU fRoM There." You said. "Alright just follow mw then."He said leading the way.

*Time skip brought to you by Ticci Toby*

You arrived at your tree. "Dosen't seem like much." Ben said. "Iv'E BeEn LiViNg HeRe sInCe I wAs TeN aWaY fRoM CiViLiZaTiOn." You replied coldly. "Oh.....Sorry wel just hurry up and grab your things so we can get back." Ben apologized rubbing his neck looking at the ground. You sighed waling over to the trees hollow grabbing your bag and filling it with the few clothsyou have and the other thing you have in there. "Now where's my phone?" You thought. "Oh I know where it is." Jumping on the tree's branch.

"Hey! What are you Doing?" Ben questiond. "ShUt Up I'm gEtTiNg mY PhOnE." You snaped getting irritated. "ThErE iT Is." You mumbled grabbing your phine from the nook in the tree branches. "Hurry up come on." Ben tried to rush you. "BeN sHuT Up." You replied backflipping out the tree phone in hand.

"NoW I'm rEaDy." You said grabbing your guitar,swingging your bag on you shoulder, putting you phone in your bacl poket, and plugging on your ear buds putting on Dead In Ditches by Hollwood Undead while following Ben back to the mansion.

"What are you listing to?" Ben asked after a while. "RiGhT nOw I'm LiStInG tO DeAd BiTe By HoLlYwOoD UnDeAd." You replied still walking. "Hmmm never heard of them." Ben said as you just chuckled a little resuming your travel.

Alright its the end of this chapter and.....*is interrupted by Broken*

Broken:"Whats up peeps Broken here and who loves Hollywood Undead because I do."

Me:"Shut up and get back in the story."

Broken:"Fine I just wanted to talk to the readers and you don't have to be a bitch about it." *grumbles and jumps back into the story*

Me:Well anyway back to what I was saying....I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and you shall see another one very soon. ShadowRaven7 Over and Out. :3

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