The Missing Mask

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Well since I don't really know what to do with the story plot wise I'm just going to add like random events so it's sorta going to be like living with the creepypastas and all that. I hopr you don't mind :3 Untill its says that the person who put your mask on takes it off what He/She says will be in a glitchy voice I'm just to lazy to type it right now.

You groaned shifting as light shined in your eyes. You reached to cover your face thinking it's the light shining through the window when your phone instead of your face. You grabbed your phone squinting as you looked at your screen seeing it's still on the story "Falling For Foxy." *This book, the sequel, and the prequel written by Foxy's First Mate are really good books you should go check Him/Her out and I'm sorry I don't know if your a boy or girl :3*

"Damn must have been a good book if I fell asleep reading it." You thought looking at the time. "8:oo exactly *Sigh* well I'd better get up and changed." Sitting up you rolled off your bed. Once out of the bed you grabbed your cloths off the floor and put them in the hamper.

"Well I'd better get dressed and head downstairs." You thought goung through your wardrobe. Looking through it you grabbed your outfit. *Grey jeans, deep purple tank top with black paint like splatters, black and red combat boots, and a black hoodie with white paint like splatters on it.* You put your cloths and your phone in your back pocket heading over to your nightstand next to your bed looking inside of it for your brush.

You put on your makeup and brushed your thigh length hair leaving it down for once. "I really need a hair cut." You thought putting your brush back sitting on your bed tying up your boots.

"Wait a second, where's my mask!?" You thought standing. You looked under you bed, the cover, in the bath room everywhere with no luck.

"I can't go downstairs without it. Where is it?" You thought panicking a little. You put you back to the wall sliding down to the floor putting your head between you knees. You sighed. "I have to go I can't stay in here all day. I just hope someone knows sign language."

Letting your bangs fall over one eye you stood up grabbing your phone, plugging one ear bud in, and putting on "Purple" By MandoPony *Don't hate I like that song* You put your phone back in your pocket, pulling your hood up, and letting your hair hang out.

"Please Zalgo don't let any one talk to me." You begged walking out your room and down the stairs.

You heard voices in the living room so you stayed quiet not wanting to atrack attention. "Hopw she won't find out we took her mask." You heard Jeff's voice say. "My mask?" You questioned getting suspicious as you sneaked closer.

"You'd better hope not or your gonna get your ass kicked." Hoodie said. "Why would Hoodie be in on this?" You thought feeling rage build up as you got closer hiding behind the couch their sitting on. "You mean "we" whem and if she finds out she's going to kick all of our asses, after all we did help." E.J. Said. "Yeah Yeah I'll put it back once I'm done with it." Jeff said. "Well I suggest you'd hurry up she'll be awake anytime now." Hoodie replied.

You stood still taking in the info you just heard. "why would they do this? I thought we where all friends. I guess I was wrong." You thought as your blood sarted to boil. "Now lets try on the mask." Jeff said. "Wow feels nice." He said hid voice glitching a little. "Yeah now lets put it back before she wakes." Hoodie said shifting on the couch.

Without them knowing you got up, went around the couch, and stood in front of them pissed. E.J. turned away from Jeff and stared at you. "J-jeff look this way." E.J. stutterd not taking his eyes off you.

"What E.J.?" Jeff snaped in the glitchy voice. "Uhh.......Ha Ha Broken I thought you where sleeping?" Jeff gulped standing up.

Your eyes glowed brightly and you growled slightly seeing Jeff with your mask on. Jeff seeing that took a hesitant step around you trying to get away. "N-now Broken calm-m down I-I only wanted to see your mask-k." He stutterd taking the mask off and handing it back to you.

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