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ShadowRaven7 here with another update for you all. Sorry if this seems like shit, but I took a lot of writing out because it really didn't seem to fit in so I changed some things around.

*Knock knock* "Broken you awake? We need you to come practice with us." Masky yelled from the other side of the door. "Uhhh OkAy I'm uP. JuSt LeT mE TaKe.....*Yawn*.....TaKe A sHoWeR FiRsT." You groaned rolling off the bed. *Sniff* "Damn I really need to take a shower." You thought as you smelled the lakes water in your hair.

You grabbed your cloths  *Black jeans with a purple raven on the right thigh with it's tail feathers trailing down the leg, blood red tank top, grey jacket with a  black hood, your skull ring, and your mask.* and walked to the bathroom.

"Alright just make it snappy we don't have all day." The "famous" Jeff snapped. "Whatever." You thought rolling your eyes shutting the door to the bathroom. You took a quick shower, hopped out, and got dressed. You brushed your hair, put it up in a messy bun, put on your make up, and walked out the bathroom.

You walked over to your bed picking up your belt and knives that's some how ended up on the floor. You put your belt on along with your knives. Putting on your knee high combat boots you walked over to the door pulling your hood up and opening the door seeing a pissed off Jeff tapping his foot and his fist in the air getting ready to pound on the door again.

"About damn time you come out." Jeff said putting his hand down. "L-lets go-o B-broken." Toby said heading toward the stairs. You and the other followed as Toby led you down the stairs, out the back door, and to a clearing where there are practice targets set up.

"Broken slender has told us to train you so the first thing to practice is knife throwing. Jeff will show you." Hoodie said standing beside you. "I don't think I need training, but whatever." You thought. "Okay Broken watch." Jeff said pulling out his knife and walking a few feet in front of one of the targets aiming and throwing the knife hitting the bulls eye.

Jeff walked back to you. "Now you try. Show me what you can do. Though no one can do better then me Haha." He boasted laughing. "OkAy." You simply said taking your knife off your belt and walked over to where Jeff stood, but stepping back even farther.

"Ha she thinks she can do better then me." You heard Jeff. "I wouldn't underestimate her Jeff." Masky said. "Jeff thinks I'm weak, but I'll show him." You thought as your blood started to boil smirking.

You held the knife by it's blade getting in your throwing stance, aiming you swung your arm back and "Thwak" the tip of the knife met with the end of Jeff's. You took your last two knives and threw them at the remaining targets hitting a Bulls eye every time.

You walked over to get your knives turning around and walking back over to the boys and a gawking Jeff with his mouth hanging open and his eyes filled with shock.

"Who.........what........huu?" Jeff was lost for words causing you to smirk and your eyes to flash. "Ha looks like I beat you." You told him. "Hmph." Was all he said crossing his arms and closing his mouth.

"NeXt?" You questioned looking at Hoodie. "That was impressive, anyway next is stealth training we need to see how sneaky you are. So I'll be over here." He pointed over to the tree line. "You'll be over there." Hoodie said pointing to an old looking tree over to the other side of the clearing, then walking to where he's supposed to go.

"OkAy, So I'lL Be gOiNg NoW." You told the others heading off to the tree. When you got to the tree you climbed up the trunk and into the branches sitting on one. "Hehe he doesn't know what he's in for." You thought quietly walking along the branch jumping on to the branch in the next tree.

You peer through the trees seeing Hoodie walking on the outskirts of the woods. "I just need to wait until he stops. Next to a tree would be great, but any where's fine." You thought as you silently slithers down the trunk of the tree and on the ground to get a better look. Once on the ground you stuck to the shadows sneaking closer to the hooded person.

You spot him wandering again at the edge of the trees stopping to rest against the one of the trees. "I wish she would how her self already." He sighed. With that you climbed back into a tree silently slipping along the branch hopping in the tree Hoodies leaning against.

You walked along the branch taking small steps so the branch doesn't shake it. You walked until hoodie's right under you now standing. *Luckly it's a little cloudy*You looked over at Masky putting your finger to your mouth indicating for him to stay quiet. He nodded understanding looking away from you and back at Hoodie.

 You dropped from the tree with out a sound behind him silently sneaked over to him. You brought your arms up to him quickly locking him in a head lock feeling him stiffen up.

"BoO I gOt YoU." You whisperd causing him to jump and put his hands up. "Okay, You got me. Your pretty good Broken." He said as you let him go. "ThAnK yOu." You thanked him walking back to Masky, Jeff, And Toby no where to be found.

"HeY WhErE's ToBy?" You asked them. "Slender wanted Toby so he had to go, Now it's time for the hand to hand combat." Masky replied walking next to you. "OkAy, LeTs gEt ThIs GoInG." You said as he lead you to the middle of the clearing.

"you go on that end and I'll stay here." Masky told you. You walked to the spot watching him closely as he got into battle stance. You also got into your battle stance as your eyes glowed.

Then Masky charged at you. At the last second you dodged and swiped his legs out from under him sending him sprawling. "Hermph." He huffed quickly getting up and charging at you again. You braced your self as he crashed into you making you fall on your back .

"Nnngh." You groaned rolling out of the way as Masky was about to pounce on you making him fall flat on his stomach. You both got up quickly circling each other slowly studying each others movements. Masky then again charged at you punching your stomach lightly. You grabbed the back of his head and kneed his masked face lightly flipping him on his back and placing a foot on his chest. "Ha gOt YoU." You said leaning on your knee. "HaHa Ya  you got me. Now let me up and finish this." He replied laughing.

You two mock punched and kicked practicing until Masky called quits. "Alright fight's over you did really well. Now lets go back inside." He said getting up from the ground again and walking back inside.

*Time skip to after diner*

You finished your meal and headed to the kitchen to place your plate in the sink. You walked into the kitchen seeing Hoodie washing them.

"HeY HoOdIe, YoU wAnT SoMe hElP?" You asked placing your plate in the sink. "Yeah I could use some help. If you don't mind you could rinse the dishes while I wash." Hoodie said sliding over a bit to give you somw room. "SuRe." You replied rolling your sleeves up and rinsing the dishes and piling them in a neat pile on the counter chatting about random stuff.

You both finished the dishes quickly. "Thanks Broken." Hoodie said drying his hands walking out the kitchen. "YoUr wElCoMe." You xalled back drying your habds and walking back to your room.

You walked into your room turning the light on. You walked over to your bed stripping your self of your cloths leaving you in your underwear and your large hoodie. *You have a shirt on under the hoodie*You climbed into your bed yawning. "What a day." You thought pulling out your phone reading random books on Wattpad before falling asleep.

Hello readers I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and it doesn't feel rushed or anything to youl all. I actualy don't know where this book is heading to me it doesn't seem to have a real plot line to it. I will NOT however make this a love story and there isn't going to be anything special about it. The story's mostlikly going to be her just living with the Creepypastas and what ever else I want to add I will also be adding some drama and fights. If you want to give me suggestons on chapters just tell me in the comments and give me suggestions on where this story should go although I may not take them.

Sorry for the long A/N see you guys in the next chapter. ShadowRaven7 over and out.

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