The Child Is Born

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I do not own this song or any of the pics that will be included in this book.

That night at midnight a child was born. This child would be named Raven for the raven that sat outside the hospital window during her birth.

"Look honey at the raven sitting there." The mother said to her lover while holding the baby and pointing toward the window.

"I see,is it bothering you? I can shoo it away. The father replied. "No no,leave it there. I think it's our child's guardian." The mother said snuggling her baby.

"You think so?" The father said clearly not believing that. "I know so. Can you please let him in?" The mother begged."I don't think that's a good idea, but anything for you." Replied the father getting up and walking over to the window.

"Come here little bird." The mother said. "Caw?" The raven cawed tilting his head to the side before gliding over to the mother and sitting on her shoulder looking down at the baby.

"Oh I think he likes her." The mother cooned. "Let's name our baby girl Raven after her guardian." Suggested the mother. "That's a wonderful name darling." The father agreed.

"Bu...bu..bu." Baby Raven mumbled as it opened her brilliant purple eyes reaching toward the raven. The raven reached his head down to let the baby stroke his soft feathers.

"See she likes the raven." The mother mumbled yawning and closing her eyes. "I see, now lets get you too sleep my love." Whispered the father kissing her and the baby before heading to the chair next to the bed.

"Caw caw." The raven cawed quietly flying to the fathers shoulder. "Hmm I guess you are a guardian aren't you?" The father said to the raven.

"Caw c....caw." The raven cawed happily nuzzling the mans cheek. "Well if your going to be staying around then you should have a name right?" "I think your name should be Shadow because your the shadow to our baby Raven." Said the man to the raven.

"Caw!" Shadow cried happily flapping its wings a little saying yes. "You like it don't you. Well then Shadow that's your name *yawn*." The father said sleepily while the Shadow curled up in his lap both falling asleep and drifting off into dreamland.

I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I know I'm not a good writer. Anyway I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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