Getting Settled In/Meeting The Others

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I was going to update sooner but Wattpad was acting up so I couldn't so here is the chapter for you all.

 Back At The Mansion

You opened the door to the mansion stepping in. "Now child let Masky show you to your new room." Slender said/thought as you walked in the living room. You just nodded. "Uhhhh. Okay Broken lets go find your room." Masky groaned getting up from the couch and leading you up the stairs. You both walked through the hallway full of doors from black to white to doors with stuff leaking out of it then a bright pink door opened up and a little girl about the age of 8 in a pink dress and a teddy bear stepped out.

"Hi Masky who's this lady with you?" She questioned in a sing song voice. "I'm BrOkEn AnD MaY I aSk WhAt YoUr NaMe iS?" You asked kneeling to the girls height. "Oh what a pretty name and I'm Sally." Sally replied. "WhAt a BeAuTiFuL nAmE." You replied standing back up. "Now Sally I have to take Broken to her new room so why don't you go run along mow okay?" Masky told her. "Okay see you later Masky,Broken." Sally said running down the stairs.

You and Masky continued walking again until your reached a blackish purple door. "Alright this is your room. I have to see Slender so mke your self at home and either Me,Hoodie,or Toby will come and get you for dinner." Masky said in a cold voice walkng away leaving you there.

"Man what's his problem?" You thought twisting the knob and opening the door. You stepped in the dark room and turned on the lights when you did you fell to your knees dropping your guitar as tears flowed your cheeks. The room your room is exactly like the one your old home before it burned to the ground when you where ten. Everything is the same except for some thing after all your taste and likes did change.

The floor is a shag red and black carpet. The walls are black and have purple paint splatters and the ceiling was also black with red paint splatters. In the side of the room against the far right wall is a twin size bed with blood red blankets with deep purple sheets and black pillows. On the other side of the room is a computer desk with a computer *Of course* and a really fancy computer chair. In the very back of the room is a black wardrobe with Zalgo knows what is inside. A door in the corner in the left side of the room that leads to the bathroom and finally next beside the door is a empty weapon rack.

"Oh My Zalgo. I can't let the memories come back I can't.This room is exactly like my old one..." You thought standing up, drying your eyes, picking up your guitar and walking over to your new bed laying your guitar against the wall next beside it. Then walking in the bathroom. Standing in front of the mirror you set your bag on the floor and took off your hoodie. Looking back into the mirror you see a bruise start to form on your cheek going under your mask. Sighing you slid off your mask seeing the bruise forming inbetween the claw mark scars across your right cheek. You turned the facet on splashing your face with the warm water washing away the blood and dirt then turning the sink off.

You walked over to the shower turning it on and stripping out of your bloody dirty cloths making sure the door was closed and you have a towel. You stepped in the shower letting the hot water wash ver you as you wash your body and hair. You rinsed off, turned off the shower,stepped out, and wrapped a towel around you drying off. After you dried off you grabbed your bag setting it on the counter getting your cloths and changing. *The cloths being a simple black long sleeve, black sweat pants,a black, red , and purple hoodie, black socks, and a pair of black and blue vans.* Grabbing thelittle make up you have *Eyeliner, black and red eyeshadow, black lipstick, and some mascara* you put it on while brushing your hair.

You walked out the bathroom and over to your bed after putting your dirty cloths in the hamper. You set your bag on your bed while sitting on your bed and got your sketchbook out and adjusting your mask back on your face. You pulled out your drawing penciles and drew while waiting for dinner.

*Time Skip*

*knock knock* You hear someone knock on your door. Slipping your mask on and pulling up your hood. "ThE dOoR's OpEn." You said closing your sketchbook. "H-hey it's-s t-time for-r d-diner-r *Tic* l-let me-e show you-u the *tic* way-y." Toby said walking in the room. "OkAy LeT's Go." You replied getting off your bed and following Tobyas he lead you downstairs and through the living room to the dining room.The smell of instiantly hit your nose as you stepped in there making your mouth water. You saw a bunch of unknown people sitting at the table as Toby lead you to a seat inbetween him and the little girl Sally you meet in the hall. You sat down in the chair in front of a plate full of food. "Hello, Broken you have to wait till Slendy gives the sigh before we can eat." Sally said gestering to the head of the table where Slender sits.

"Everyone before we eat I want to introduce someone new." He gesterd over to where you sat causing everyone to turn and stare. Standing up "My NaMe Is BrOkEn ShAdOwS CaLl mE BrOkEn." You said your voice glithyer then usual sitting back down. "Ahem well I'm Eyeless Jack call me E.j." A deep voice said coming from a young man in a blue mask with black eye holes dripping black liquid waving. You waved back and everyone else introduced themselves. *Lost Silver, Glitchy Red, L.j, Jane, Jeff, Clockwork, Bloody Painter, Puppeteer, and all the others that I can't think of right now so let me know which ones I missed.* "Well now that everyone has introduced themselves lets eat." Slenderp *Yes I did that get over it XD* said sitting back down and starting to eat.

*Time skip till it's just you and Masky left*

"Damn girl how much are you going to eat. That's like your fifth plate." Masky said looking at his plate full and everyone else gone. "WeLl I hAvEn'T hAd AnY ThInG pRoPeR To eAt iN DaYs. I'm A hUnGrY BiTcH AnD fOr ThE rEcOrD tHiS My FoUrTh PlAtE." You said finising off the last bit of food off yoyr plate. "Damn.....Hey! I thought no one could call you a bitch. Dosen't mean yourself?" Masky questioned in a smart tone. "DoN't Be a sMaRt aSs. I cAn CaLl My sElF a bItCh NoT yOu." You replied back getting up to put your plate in the sink.

"ThAt wAs A DaMn gOoD mEaL." You said slightly burping. "Haha...Here let me take that for you it's my turn to do the dishes anyway." Masky said taking the plate from you. "Do yOu WaNt SoMe hElP?" You asked yawning and stretching. "No you go on to bed I got this." He replied walking to the kitchen. "WeLl If yOu sAY sO GoOdNiGhT." You said walking back to your room. "Goodnigth." Masky said from the kitchen.

You opened the door and walked I closing and walking the door behind you. You changed into you Pjs,*Sports bra and some shorts* climbed into your new bed, and plugged up your phone to the charger. "Man how did this all happen to me I mean I should be greatful, but the sudden change will take some time to get use to. The people here seem nice except for that girl  whats her name? Ah Clockwork she kept giving me death glares during dinner. I'm not trying to start shit, but if this bitch wants to start shit then I want to hesitate to fight back I'm not a wimp. Other then that everyone else is fine." You thought falling asleep in a real bed for once.

Hey I hope you enjoy this long chapter I won't be updating for a while the reason being I need to write some more ideads for the next chapter. I'm sorry if you like Clockwork but I just hate her that's my opinion. ShadowRaven7 Over and Out.

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