Becoming A Proxy

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Hey just one more chapter to go then the book will be finished. I am making a sequel don't know what will be in it yet, but I am making one so don't worry :3. And the pic my friend drew it and I just wanted to put it on here.

*This is going to be a month after the last chapter.*

A month has passed with you just chilling, training and what not. You wound has healed so you able to talk again. At this moment your outside training with the Slender brothers.

"Come on, I know your faster then that." Splender said as he knocked you to the ground. Getting up you brushed dirt off your back and wiped sweat from your forehead. "Damn he caught me off guard." You thought regaining your stance. "Come on Broken you can do better then that." He taunted you playfully.

You charged at him sliding under him as he tried to catch you. You turned on heels leaping on his back *Damn girl can jump* wrapping your legs around his neck and your arms around his "eyes" clinging on for dear life.

"Haha there we go, Now your talking!" He said trying to shake you off. You tightend your grip on him trying not to fall off. "Shit! Fuck! I don't want to fall I gotta hang on." You thought desperately clinging to Splender as he started to run around making you bounce all around. "Well see about that Broken." Slender said in your head standing next to Trender. You cussed at him making him chuckle.  

You felt something grab you by the back ripping you off Splender's head. You turn to see that it was his trendle bringing you to face him. You attempt to bite him struggling to get away when he suddenly throws you high up in the air I mean really high. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK!" You scream voice glitching a little as you fall back down.

Before hitting the ground you quickly summoned your wings zipping around Splender how had a "Smirk" on his "face." "WhAt ThE aCTuAl fUcK?" You questioned hovering in front of him. "Hey I thought you would like to fly. Guess I was right." He said laughing the others doubled over in laughter.
"I gUeSs It wAs pReTtY fUn." You said laughing yourself.

"Well that's enough for now. Your turning into a nice killer Broken." Slender complemented walking back into the mansion. "Ya great job Broken." Offender said winking at you making you shiver as he followed his brother inside. "Lets train again sometime." Splender said following his brohthers back into the house. "Pretty good, but I must say you really need to change cloths. The ones you wearing are horrid." Trender said more like insulted following his younger brother. "ThAnKs I"lL KeEp tHaT iN mInD." You called after him. "At least Offender complemented something else then my ass. That fucker's a creep." You thought landing back on the ground poofing your wings away and heading back inside.

You started to head for your room only to be stopped by Masky. "Hey Broken, do you want to take a walk through the woods." He asked as you walked to your room. "SuRe jUsT LeT mE TaKe a qUiCk sHoWeR FiRsT." You replied with a smile opening your door. "Cool, mind if I wait inside?" He gestured into your room. "Sure..Come on in." You said walking inside. You grabbed a towel and some cloths heading to the bathroom. "I'll be out in a bit. I won't be too long." You called shutting the door. "Okay." Came the muffled reply. You turn on the water setting your stuff on the sink and hopping in the shower.

*Time skip 'cause you all know what to do in a shower.....I hope*

You get out the shower all nice and clean, turn off the water, get dressed,*Black sweat pants, red slightly ripped tank top and you're not wearing your mask.* and put on your make up. *Dark purple eyes shadow and black eye liner.*You brush you hair leaving it down as you walked back into your room. There you see Masky going through your sketchbook oblivious to you standing there.

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