Another Lazy Carefree Day

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I literally don't know what to name this chapter so just go with it. The songs that are going to be sang I here are "Destiny Bond" By Trickywi, "The Chica Song" By  GroundBreaking, "The Bonnie Song" By GroundBreaking, And "Partners In Crime" By I think Set It Of correct me if I'm wrong. If you don't like the songs oh well.

You wake up around 6:00. "Well I'd better freshen up." You thought getting out of your warm bed and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower you brushed your teeth and hair, getting  dressed *Red with black paint like splatterd shorts, a matching tank top, dark red and black hoodie, blood red and black knee high boots, and your mask. Plus your knives strapped to your legs and belt* and walking over to your nightstand grabbing your phone and earbuds.

*Knock knock*

Someone knocked on your door. You went over and opend the door seeing Jeff standing outside your room with a basket of clothing. "Hey Broken got any dirty cloths. It's my turn to wash cloths for the day." He asked holding out the basket. "YeAh LeT mE gEt ThEm." You replied heading back inside the room grabbing the cloths off the floor and out the hamper. You walked back to Jeff setting the cloths in the basket.

"ThAt'S It." You said as Jeff walked away. You walked back inside shutting the door and walking over to your bed.

*Random notification noise* Your phone went off indicating a text. You opend the text seeing it's from Ben.

Ben:Broken you have a guitar right?
You:Yes why?

"Why does he want a guitar for?" You thought as you got another text.

Ben:Because some of us are going to have a fire next to the lake and we're going to be singing and dancing and all that shit.
You:A fire? Really? It's only 6 something in the morning, but whatever I can bring my two guitars if you want.
Ben:Yes a fire this early in the morning I want to get a head start on the day and please bring them we'll need them.
You:Alright I'm coming down with them.

You texted back. "Well I'd better get doen there with them." You thought grabbing them off the wall slinging the older one on your shoulder and holding the shining bright newer one.

You pulled your hood up, tied you shoes, and headed out your room jogging down the stairs seeing Ben waiting for you next to the door.

"Hey Broken ready?" Ben asked opening the front door and walking out into the somewhat warm yard you following him. "FoR wHaT?" You questioned him raising an eyebrow.

"For singing and dancing and all that." He replied looking at you. "I nEvEr sAiD I wAs DoInG aNy Of tHAt." You replied looking back at him. "Awww come on it'll be fun." Ben begged giving you the puppy eyes that your cold heart just can't resist. "F-fine just stop giving me that look." You sighed shaking your head.

"Yes, works everytime. Now lets go where everthing's set up."Ben said with a smirk walking off.

*Time skip*

You enter the clearing seeing almost everyone there *E.J., Masky, Hoodie, Slender and his brothers, Clockwork, Sally, Toby, Silver, Red a lot of people :3.* around a small campfire even though it's late in the morning.

"Hey Broken are you going to sing?" Masky asked coming up behind you. "I gUeSs I aM." You told Masky turning you head to look at him. "Well you'd better get going them and I'm sure you got a fine voice." He said pushing you to where Ben's standing with a mic.

"You ready Broken?" Ben asked putting the mic on its stand. "S-sUrE." You stutterd nervously making your voice glitch a little more. "Don't be nervous you'll do fine." Ben said walking away and sitting next to the fire grabbing a beer from the cooler.

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