chapter 1

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I was walking down the street coming back from my last  Art lecture of the year before the summer holiday it was a big relief and i couldn't wait to spend the summer with Louis. my parents would also be happy that i would spend time with them during the summer as they weren't that happy that i had decided to live with my boyfriend. they saw Louis as a bad boy who was a bit too immature, i had stayed with Louis for a year and our relationship had done really well so far i was honestly in love iwth him and he was the one i was 100 percent sure i was going to marry. Louis had been very secretive when we first went out but then when he trusted me a bit more he told me what he did in his spare time...he was part of a gang and he told me it could get dangerous but not too much at first i was angry that he hadn't told me but i was too inlove with him by the time he told me that i wouldn't have broken up with him i was sure that the danger of his gang wouldn't reach me, i told him as long as the gang didn't affect me and he wasn't in too much danger that i didn't care. besides i wasn't his mother but i would never tell my parents about Louis they would order me never to talk to him again and move back with them.  it started to rain as i was walking home i sighed and hurried towards our flat excited to spend time with my boyfriend i had loads of movies recorded. As i entered my flat i was disspointed to find out that Louis wasn't home i sighed yet again he let me down i really missed him aswell i tried phoning him but his phone was off. i sat by myself watchign the movies it was 3 hours since i had returned and now i was pissed where was he? was he ok? finally around 6 o clock the door opened and Louis walked inside, he had a black coat on and his face was scratched, his black coat symbolised his gang. 

'Louis where were you?' i leaped up

'Sorry Sasha,' he sighed 

'Are you ok?' i gasped looking at his scars on his cheek which were bleeding heavily.

i ran to the first aid kit and grabbed plasters and bandages and treated him he winced as i put disinfectant in his wound. 

When i was done i asked him 'What the hell happened?' 

he then furrowed his eyebrows and looked angry 'I dont want to talk about it,' he said gettting up and walking away from me to go to the fridge and get a beer. 

'Louis!' i shouted

he turned around 

'Louis you have been missing for four hours i have been worried sick and you come back with knife wounds i am your girlfriend i think i have a right to know what has happened!' i screamed

'Don't ever ask me about my business,' he hissed back

'it's the fucking gang isn't it?' it always is the fucking gang...the gang is dangerous Louis!' i shouted

'Today what i had to do had to be done and now it is done,' he said 

'Was anyone killed?' i asked softly worried about the answer

'No,' he replied 

he went and picked up a black bag 'we have to keep this safe,' 

'what is ist?' i asked

i followed him into the back room where he hid the bag int the top drawer. 

'It is something very dangerous and the other gang our enemy the one with Prince Harry Styles is looking for this if they find it they could create alot of damage and deaths,' 

'Then we have to keep it somewhere safer than here!' i said 'By keeping this object in our flat puts both of our lifes in danger they will come after it,' 

he nodded agreeing he took the object and went to his car.

'Stay here,' he said 

i nodded knowing that if i knew where the object was hidden it would put me in alot of danger. when Louis came back i ran to him and hugged him i cried into his shoulder he comfroted me. 

'I am so scared Louis i am scared for you!' i said rubbing his chest

'Don't worry honey i am careful and i am stronger than you think,' 

'don't lie to me Louis are we in alot of danger?' i asked

he looked at me his eyes shining as i sniffed into his chest, this wasn't the summer i was expecting, i never expected the gang to become this dangerous well this just proved how little of Louis i knew. when Louis said he was in a gang i should have known that our lives wouldn't be normal...

'Yes we are Sasha but don't worry i can look after you and they would be mainly after me not you,' Louis said 'and i can look after us,' 

i trusted him. 

'Are they going to come for us?' i asked

'Maybe,' he said 'But Maybe not, and if they do i wont let anything bad happen to you,' 

'promise?' i asked

'i'll try,' he said

that was good enough for me. 

'You see Sasha, these people want to know alot about my gang as we are enemies they want to know our secrets and they have always wanted to know i have always been in danger but i have kept safe today i am in a little bit more danger but it is not different than before don't be worried i am sure they wont be able to find us,' he said

'are you sure? are they able to track you do you think they followed you home?' i asked

Louis shoulder's tensed he looked a bit worried when i said this. 

'Don't worry,' he said stroking my hair 

but something about his voice made me know thta we were in danger, Louis was in so much more danger than me. Louis was trying to not make me worried. 

The next few days Louis was busier than ever i was lonely alot, he always looked stressed and he was shoutign on the phone he looked uncertain and i knew that something was wrong. he looked at me with such love but such worry aswell i wish he would just tell me what was up and the situation we were in.

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