chapter 22

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omg what the fuck? harry took ages to register it. he clenched my hand for support. 

'you will never be a brother to me,' harry sai dbitterly tears pouring down his face

'i dont want to be,' louis said 'but we share the same blood so you are really just as evil as i am,' 

'i will never be like you,' harry said 'and just because we share the same blood doesn't mean i wont kill you if i had to,' 

'same goes by me,' louis said 

'isn't it lucky that your mum decided to keep you if your father kept you, you'd probably be in our gang fighting your half-sister gemma,' eleanor said.

this was true so it was lucky that harry's mum decided to keep him despite him being unroyal. 

'Isn't it lucky how gemma decided not to come  with you we could have killed her right on this spot,' niall said

'you wouldn't dare,' harry said

'actually we would you see that is what we told her we would do and we never say things that we don't do we aren't all talk,' louis said

'yeah we had it all planned out shame she didn't come...,' niall said disappointed

'i wanted to tell you all these secrets before we kill you,' louis said simply

'what?' i said

'oh we are going to kill you now...noones around noones watching it was bit dumb of you gusy to let waliyah go to the shop by herself,' NIall said simply as if it was a predicted thing.

i shaked with fear..i closed my eyes..atleast if i died i would be with the people i loved. But all of us didn't deserve to die we were to young but atleast gemma was in the palace safe she could defend the kingdom when we died. 

'you see i am going to shoot zayn first then niall i sgoing to snap waliyah's neck if he doesn't want her as a slave but with you and harry i am going to take my time...i like knives and i like torturing,' Louis said

waliyah began to cry 'no no no,' please dont. we all looked limped too scared to speak we had all accepted death at this point. zayn closed his eyes as louis drew his gun. I was never going to see my baby's face as my baby will die with us. 

'no we will do anything just dont kill us!' i weeped

'bit late,' louis simply said. as he positioned the gun, eleanor stood behind zayn so he couldn't move. zayn closed his eyes accepting death.

waliyah turned to look away 'please not my brother!' she called one more time. 

just as Louis was about to pull the trigger...when we heard the sound of horses calloping towards us. A bunch of arrows were falling towards Louis eleanor and niall. Niall let go of waliyah and they ran for their dear lives up the hill and away.

as they were running away louis called to me 'JUST REMEMBER SASHA I WILL GET REVENGE AS PROMISED' .

i gulped but we were free from them! finally waliyah ran into zayn's arms and weeped she must have been traumitised again. on her neck there were marks of niall's grip. 

we turned to see where the arrows were coming from, it was Liam! and a bunch of horsemen.

i ran to liam and hugged him, he looked suprised as he never had been hugged by me before. 

'you saved us we...zayn was about to be shot,' i whimpered

zayn was still in shock, he was unable to moove. waliyah cried into zayn's chest.

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