chapter 3

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the car journey was very long i cried throughout it, i would never go back to my normal life me and Louis had become prisoners. i was so scared of these men expecially Prince Harry styles i wondered how many times he would rape me? i don't get what he saw in me i mean he could have any girl in the land yet he thought i was pretty i had average feautures, i have hazel eyes and tan skin with light brown medium-length hair. i have always been called pretty but i have never seen it. i couldn't believe Zayn my best friend from when we were small was part of the other gang i had lost contact with him recently but he still cared for me i could see the worry in his face while i was being violated.

the car came to a jolt and i rolled around the boot hitting things on the way. Harry opened the boot and i squinted as i saw the break of dawn, we had been driving for potentialy 2 hours. the fact that it was so far away made it harder for me to escape if i wanted to. 

'Enjoy the ride babe?' Harry winked

i rolled my eyes while he picked me up over his shoulder and into the massive house. there were many staircases and corridors and posh paintings ont he walls i stared in amuse.

'Where are you taking her?' Zayn asked with shiver in his voice

'To the dungeons,' Harry said

Zayn's face dropped, i knew instantly that the dungeous would be a horrible disgusting place and Harry was just making me look at all these luxuries to tease me. 

'But she has done nothing wrong..'  Zayn said

'yes but she made a choice to become Louis' girlfriend,' Harry said

we entered the disgusting dungeons the walls were mucky and blalck and down right disgusting, I Must admit Harry is gorgeous but he is horrible so i hate him, Niall is aos pretty good looking and well i have always found Zayn hot but shh... dont tell him!

Harry threw me into a disgusting cell it was clammy and the floor was hard, there was a rusted water tap with fungi on it. Harry locked the door and i started to beg him.

'PLEASE PLEASE I DONT LIKE IT HERE,' I said tears flowing down my eyes 

Harry ignored me and Niall gave me a sympathetic look.  i cried in darkness for about 20 minutes when i saw Louis, i felt hopefull when i saw him but he looked worn out poor Louis had been brutally beaten up again, blood was oozing out of his lip and he had a black eye. Harry threw him into the cell next to me. then left.

'Louis! louis,' i said 

Louis turned to me 'Baby! i am so sorry about this! but i promise i wil lget you out of this,' 

'Louis you are badly injurned no offence but you really wont,' i said

he sighed 'Just stay strong don't let them see your weaknesses just be smart and we will be out of here,' 

'How long do you think they will keep us here?' i asked already hating the filth i was living in, i could barely see Louis the lighting in the dungeon was horrible.

'Harry wont let me go untill i spill secrets but you see the secrets could cost thousands of lives,' 

'so we wont be getting out of here.' i said flatly

'Hey! you have a better chance than i do!' Louis said 

'what do you mean?' i asked

'He finds you sexy even though you aren't pretend that you would do anything for him and that you are in love with him juts give in to him whatever the cost and i am sure somehow you will manituplate him into letting you go, that is harry's weakness pretty girls,' 

'I dont know if i am willing to let Harry use my body like that,' i said awkawardly not wanting to think about the events of a couple of hours ago.

'Well he will whether you like it or not so it is better to pretend that you like it, by the way are you ok? it was horrible seeing him rape you he is such a git,' Louis said

'I'll be fine,' i shrugged 'Anyways what about you?'

'I'll worry abotu myself,' Louis said

'No i worry about you they can't use you as a punching bag all the time!' 

'they will untill they get answered and i am staying strong,' Louis said

i nodded and tears fell from both our cheeks i reached through the gap for his hand and he held it and i already felt more safe. 

Zayn came down i heard him speak with Harry to try and convince Harry to let me go obviouslt Harry refused and as Harry is the king of this small village Zayn couldn't argue.

his face looked paler as he looked at me, Zayn looked badder compared to when i last saw him he had tattoos and piercings though in his eyes i still see the innocent boy who couldn't tie  his laces. i tried to speak to him but no words would come out so instead we spoke with our eyes, he was apologising hundreds of times. then he spoke with no emotion as if he was one of Harry's robots. 

'You two have some rules to follow as you are prisoners of the king...

1. No speaking back

2. no trying to escape

3. you will only eat the food given to you

4. you sleep when i tell you 

5. you wake when i tell you

6. you are expected to become slaves while you are prisoners you will obey every command if not you will be punished

7. Sasha do not deny Harry's requests you will do everything he asks you to do if you deny it will just make it harder for yourself

i gulped when he said that.

Zayn said nothing as he left the room. I stared at Louis petrified....

i had only been in this dungeon for a few hours and i was bored as anything, i got claustaphobic and started banging on the rails. which resulted in me gettign a 'shutup' from Nialll.

i sighed then Harry came downstairs by himself with a cocky grin plasterd on his face. His green eyes eyed me with lust and he licked his lips as he saw me. 

'It is time for your questioning...Louis if i were you i would tell us what you know,' Harry said

i had previoously told Louis to promise me that he wouldn't give these people the secrets just because they would do bad things to me my life and torture didn't account for the thousands, i told him to be strong and pretend he couldn't see them doing bad things to me. 

Niall was told to take Louis into Harry's office, Niall brutally grabbed Louis and dragged him. Harry smiled at me a pervish smile.

'You're coming aswell honey,' he said grabbing me and flinging me over his shoulder. he smelled really nice...random i know. 

'Stop holding me in a death grip,' i said through girtted teeth

he just laughed at me. 

we reached Harry's office, it was very posh and old-fashioned it had wooden shelves with lots of books and a window which overlooked a beautiful garden.  Louis was already there.

Harry sat down in his massive wooden chair and pulled me onto his lap, i couldn;t even fight back his strength overpowered me. i looked uncomfortable as Harry traced his hands around my thighs. 'don't give in,' i whispered to Louis

he gulped, Louis looked defeated and worn out. 

'Louis may i say i found it astonishing how YOU could land such a beautiful girl with massive tits,' Harry said feeling my chest i tried to swat him off but i couldn't move. he treated me like a toy he could do whatever he wanted with me and i couldn't say anything i felt so helpless and used. 

'Shall we get this questioning started then?' Harry said

'I am not telling you anything.' Louis said bravely

'Well if you watch and see what i am going to do to Sasha here you will spill the beans easier than you think,' Harry winked


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