chapter 12

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'HARRY!' i screamed. he looked at me baffled but before he looked behind Louis swiped him with the sword. i screamed and began to cry as i saw Harry fall to the ground. Zayn eyes grew wide. we tried to look to see had Louis killed him? i prayed and prayed and prayed. 

Thankfully Louis had only swiped him to injure him not to kill him but poor Harry was limp on the floor in indescribable pain and everyone else was fighting it was hard to see who was winning.

'we need to go down to help harry!' i said i began to climb out of the broken window. Zayn managed to open perrie and danielles' cell so that they could crawl into ours and come out of the broken window. It was risky crawling out of the window as there were arrows flying in the air centimetres away from us. Zayn held onto me for dear life as it was so easy to fall of the side of the building as the bricks were crackling away. Finally we got to the ground after a dangerous journey down. we then squatted so we were un noticed, i was glad to see that noone from either side was dead though many people were badly injured, I was suprised the battle was this early on i thought it wouldn't happen for years but the fact that i was held captive probably made it necessary for a battle. i saw Louis fighting and was annoyed to see he was blocking every attack and he wasn't injured at al. we went to harry who was moaning in pain. Perrie and Danielle were told by us to run to safety. 

'sasha,' harry said through his heavy breaths

'baby im so sorry we are going to help you hold on,' i said

i looked over to zayn who picked up harry from his legs and i from his other side of his body and we carried him to safety but during the dangerous run through no-mans land Louis shot an arrow , he looked so angry at the fact that we had managed to escape. his arrow flew in the air i looked at it unable to move and unable to judge where it would land. the arrow swerved and landed in Zayn's leg. i gasped and zayn's eyes grew huge. Zayn then fell to the ground and screamed in pain, Louis was laughing so much.

'Zayn!' i screamed out. Harry had also dropped to the ground. i didn't know what to do they were both collapsed on the ground. i couldn't leave them i looked around and saw no sign of help and i had to move fast before someone on Louis' side realised they could shoot me with an arrow. 

'Leave me take zayn!' harry said 'i am too weak,' 

'no harry! never! i am not leaving without both of you,' i said 'i cant let louis win,' 

so i did the only thing i could do i picked up the two fully-grown men and attempted to carry them about 30 metres to safety. they were heaving me down and my arms couldn't handle it but i had to the metres felt more like miles. two arrows missed me by millimetres and eventually i got to safety. 

Perrie and Danielle started helping zayn and harry with their wounds.

'how will the battle be over?' i asked

'someone needs to kill or badly injure Louis then he will surrender you see his army wont go on without him, then oour army can go home,' harry breathed as perrie wrapped and bandage over his badly cut back. i felt so sorry for him the cut was deep and went all across his back i couldn't even imagine the pain he was going through. 

'I'll do it,' i said taking the sword off harry.

'no way i am not letting you risk yourself for him,' 

'i have to do  it he wont suspect me,' i said

'no way! i am not letting you put yourself in danger!' he said

'harry i can do it! why dont you believv in me?' i ask

'i do believe in you but i dont want to imagine a life without you,' Harry said 'so you are not going you are staying here with me in safety,'

'and let your army get killed?' i said 'this battle will go on for ages i need to end it,' 

'no!' harry said 

'you cant tell me what to do!' i said stubbornly

and then without warning i took the sword and ran into the battle and noone could stop me i heard a faint

'NOO!' in the backround

i started to regret running into the battle as soon as i had because it was scary and dangeorus and there was a high possibility i would get killed. i just kept my eye on the prize i needed to find Louis. 

then i saw him sword-fighting with someone. i could give him a suprise attack from the back he wouldn't see it coming. so i crawled on the ground and soon got to the back of him.

i ran twoards him and striked my sword and slashed his back. i think i badly injured him but i didn't kill him. As louis screamed and fell to the ground. the whole battle stopped everyone looked at me, and eeryone dropped their weapons.

Louis side looked mortified and soon enough i saw them put up a white flag to surrender. i smiled to myself..

i had done it! i had done it!

i ran to safety where everyone on our side was congratulating me and laughing and high-fiving there were also nurses who came to help treat the wounded. i ran to where Zayn and harry were lying. 

'i did it!' i said in their faces

'i know well done baby,' Harry said heaving breaths he looked worse than before

zayn smiled at me but was too weak to say anything.

i couldn't believe it now i could marry harry we could have children i could be happy! we could find zayn's family we could start liing life how we wanted and i had done my revenge on louis. i was lost in my trance when perrie nudged me. 

'Sasha!' she said paniced

'what?' i asked

'harry-its harry-harry has well he has omg no harry has slipped into a coma!' perrie screamed

it took time for me to register what had happened.

'what?' i almost screamed

'he got too weak!' 

i ran to harry whose eye;ids were shut. i began to cry and hyperventilate

'what will he err wake up!' i said through sobs

this couldn't be happening! we had just won1

the nurse looked at my eyes sympthetic

'he's not dead but-'

how can she say that to me? i was breathing uncontrablabke this had to be anightmare this couldn't be happening. my eyes drooped and my hands shook.

'but what?' i half-screamed

'he's in a coma he may wake up but it depends if his body feels it has enough energy,' she said 'he really was too weak to fight, you see normally we would be able to mend his wounds easily and he'd be fine but you see he seems to have been poiseneed to make his immune system shockingly weak,' 

i gaped he could have been fine but he had been poisened, i clenched my fists and felt like screaming with anger. 

'Niall, did this ' i said with anger pouring out of my skin

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