chapter 10

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me and harry had dinner together i kept questioning him and he answered all the questions nicely and all the answered seemed reasonaable and everything he said it seemed that he was doing it for MY good. This made it harder to sell him out tonight but i had to i had to see Louis. I was desperatly trying not to have a a good time to try and convince myself i didn't like harry that much but harry was the type of person that made you laugh when you didn't want to smile. every word he said every thing he did made me genuily think he was a good guy, he may have been scary as fuck at the beggining but he has eased off now. 

'I have organised for you to carry on your art degree in the palace and then you can start a job designing hotel rooms and t-shirts, i know that is what you have always wanted to do,' harry said

i was so excited but then i realised that this would probably wouldn't happen.

me and zayn were agitated, harry wouldn't sleep he was like a little kid he kept getting up claiming it was too hot to sleep, i started to grunt i just wanted to get this over and done with. Finally at 11:30pm harry was snoring. i tiptoed out of his room, the corridors looked scary when it was nightime and there was no lighting which made it look like a haunted house. 

'sasha,' zayn said popping out of nowhere

'shit zayn you scared me,' i said, i honestly almost had a heart attack

'i have all harry's plans in this breifcase shall we go,' zayn said

i looked back into harry's room, he was calm i haven't seen him this calm in ages it was nice he thought he was safe he probbaly wasn't worried at all. 

'come on sasha i have been waiting for this for ages you can't be having second thoughts,' zayn said edging me on. 

'ok sorry,' i said

we walked quietly out of the palace the cool breeze hit my skin. 

'harry has never suspected you being a mole then?' i asked zayn

'nope never...i guess he just really trusts me,' zayn said with a hint of guilt in his voice

we snuck through the bushes and zayn whistled for his horse that harry had given him ages ago.

'his name is night,' zayn said he pulled me onto the horse and we both galloped into the night was a bumpy ride i held onto zayn for dear life. he laughed at me clinging onto him.

'dont be frightened i wont let you fall,' he said

after about galloping for about a hour we reached the entrance to the other gang, it didn't look safe nor did it look welcoming it looked frightening. this was the place that louis always used to sneak off to when i lived with him. this place made the palace seem like home and a place i really wanted to be.  

'zayn it looks so dodgy,' i said looking at the big black gates

'dont worry,' he said with a slight tremble in his voice

he knocked on the gates. 

'who is there?' a booming voice echoed causing me to shake. 

'erm zayn...zayn malik with erm the stuff,' he said 

'and who else is with you?' the voice asked

'Sasha the king's fiance though she is on our side,' zayn said

'ay yes,' the voice said. the gates flung open and i grabbed onto zayn's arm.

we walked up the path into a massive house. the door opened of this house and inside to my suprise was not what i expected nor what zayn expected...his mouth made an O shape

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