chapter 20

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It was 2 days after and Gemma had calmed down she had adjusted to life in the palace and concluded that she was infact safe. It was morning and i felt so ill it must have been something i ate but i had thrown up countless times with Harry holding back my hair. Donniya suggested i go and get pregnancy tests just incase, never in a million years would i have thought it was that i mean we had only tried once! 

But anyway i decided not to tell anyone i was going to get preganncy tests not even harry i didn't want to get his hopes up. so i went to the village by myself and got a few pregnancy tests and i got back before harry had even woken up. 

i had bought a few pregnancy tests and tried them all and saw they all said....POSITIVE i was preganant, my mouth gaped open i had to tell harry first! i couldn't believe it. An heir was going to be born! i was going to be a mother.... i rushed downstairs to find harry who presumly was having breakfast so i entered the dining room and i saw him but he was with alot of people and i didn't want to tell him like this i wanted it to be private.

'harry i need to talk about something with you later,' i said. he looked at me confused. 

'is everything alright?' he asked

'yes fine,' i said

he nodded, he finished his breakfast and seemed to forget that i needed to talk to him and asked if i wanted to come to the outskirts of the village with him, zayn and waliyah as there were shops they wanted to visit. i was a bit weary about visiting those places because they were so deserted and empty and potentially be dangerous. anyways we got ready to go and were about to hop onto horses to take us there. I wore black jeans and a leather jacket with doc martens. Waliyah's fashion sense had reflected mine alot she'd learnt not to dress inapproproatly to try and get a guy to notice her.

'doesn't gemma want to come?' i asked harry

'she wants to play badminton with donniya here,' harry said

i nodded we carried on into the village, the bit of the village we were visiting was a ghost town there were hardly anyone there. 

We visited some of the shops and then we went to a cafe, we sat down and got our lunch. Wlaiyah was done while the rest of us were still eating. 

'can i just go and look at that shop across the street?' waliyah asked

'by yourself?' zayn asked

'yes just quickly...i want to see if they have dreamcatchers,' waliyah said

we agreed but told her to be careful and she skipped alone to the shop on the ohter side of the street with noone around. 

Zayn went to order another bagel and it was just me and harry on the table i thought this would be the perfect time to tell him i am pregnant.

'harry the thing i need to tell you,' i said

'oh yes what was it?' harry asked stirring his tea

'well harry basically i am-'

i was interupted by a distant scream, it was very loud and i looked shocked because it was Waliyah's scream...

oh no! what could have happened, we all leaped up recognising the scream and ran for our dear lives to where the scream came from. my heart was racing and i felt like crying what happened to waliyah??

a/n sorry for the ridiculously short chapter i just wanted to create suspense and leave you guys wanting more 

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