chapter 28

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the phonecalls kept ringing there was no hop.e

'i cant believe they would take an innocent baby,' gemma said 

'believe it they are vicious human beings they are ugh my poor alexandra ugh !!' i said i was so angry.

'well i am not waiitng for the police to do anything,' Harry said 'because they wont even if she is they future queen,' 

'then what are you going to do?' i asked 

'we need to find her by ourselves...we know about their gang better than anyone,' harry said

'thats true,' i said

'then lets go...i know we are probbay walking straight into a trap but i dont care this is alexandra we are talking about,' harry said

'same i just need to make sure she is safe,' i said

'then lets go to find them,' harry said to me

'i am coming also,' gemma said

'no gemma it is too dangerous for you they want to kill you!' harry said

'i am coming,' gemma said insantly 'she's my niece,' 

'they want you to come...this is all a trap we just need to get her,' i said

'i am coming also,' zayn said 

after debating we realised we were wasting time so we decided to go, me and harry and gemma and zayn.

'i am coming also,' waliyah said

'no fucking way waliyah,' zayn said

'but...i could distract them,' waliyah said

'stay in the palace waliyah thats an order!' zayn ordered

'but i can help!' waliyah screaemd

'go back now.' zayn said sternly

i cried when i walked into alexandra's room she could be anywhere out of sight, i dont know if she is safe or not. i looked at one of the cards someone gave me which said Alexandra was the cutest baby they ever have seen, my poor baby it was our job to keep her safe. she must miss mummy and daddy. Harry was missing his little girl and felt bad as anythign, he was also so angry and upset i have never seen such despair. we got ready to go we all cimbed into the car, zayn had sent waliyah back. harry came inside with a briefcase. 

'whats in the breifcase?' gemma asked

'guns..we need them,' harry said simply

my heart rose. 

'where are we going?' i asked

'i know where they are...they are sitting there waiting for us,' harry said

'so they are going to make a bargain right? they would make an offer, we have to give them something and they would give Alexandra back,' gemma said

'what do you think they'll ask for?' zayn asked

'isn't a bit obvious? the kingdom..' harry said

'well then what are we going to do?' i asked

'if we give them the kingdom 100's of lives will be in danger...we can't' do that,' gemma said

'they may ask for something else,' gemma said 


 we arrived in the outskirts of the village, it was a damp abandoned place it gave me the made me feel so awful  about the fact that my baby was here.

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