chapter 31

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gemma turned around and saw me

'whats wrong?' she asked oblivious to the situation as she saw the medallion drop to the ground

'If you dont want to give me the medallion then its fine,' she said to me

'no its not that its just why are you puking?' i asked

'i dont actually know,' she said while washing her hands in the sink

'you know when erm niall you know raped you erm did he use protection?' i asked

'i dont know...i wasn't really looking at that i was too busy being scared,' she said

'why?' she said again 'am i pregnant?' 

there was a tremble in her voice as she turned to me her eyes struck

'you might not be...lets check,' i said trying to calm her down but i am such an awkward fucktard when calming people down i just dont know what to do i just end up trying to make them laugh with my lame-ass jokes that in the end i am the only that laughs oh god why am i so funny? how did Harry get so lucky??

we bought some pregnancy tests the next morning and it was infact true that Gemma was pregnant...

'i am pregnant with niall fucking horan's baby,' she gasped she was panicing her heart was pounding. 

'i hate him so much,' she cried she threw herself onto the bed and full on weeped. this was so unfair on her. 

we spent 20 mins panicing and pacing when i finally decided 'lets tell everyone,'. we met everyone downstairs for breakfast and we told them the news, Zayn spat out his milk on little safaa he was in so much shock.

'for goodness sake zayn i just washed my hair!' safaa cried

'i think gemma has bigger problems then you do safaa' Waliyah said pulling gemma into a hug

'this baby is going to be king or queen and it's half-niall,' she weeped ' why does this have to always happen to me?'

we were all trying to calm her down. 'that fucking dick was so stupid not to use protection,' harry cried ''how fucking dare he?'

we were in such a pickle...gemma stated that she wanted a baby with someone she actually loved, niall was far from that person. She spent most of the morning crying. 

'i think we should talk to lord liam about this,' Harry suggested while putting Alexandra on his lap. 

we all agreed and we all went to liam's office. his office was old-fashioned and strictly royal yes liam was the biggest royalist out there, (a.n a royalist is someone who is obsessed with the royal family if your not british you may not know this word haha) he even had flags in his office of the village's flag. Me and harry turned to each other and started laughing who'd guess Liam to be such a fangirl.  We explained the confusing and strange situation to Liam, his mouth made an O shape.

'well we have had nothing like this before,' Liam said while scratching his head and sipping out of his 'all hail princess alexandra' cup which didn't make sense anymore because Alexandra is no longer a princess,

we were twiddling our thumbs while he went to get his book of 'royal rules' it was so dusty and had cobwebs over it, it was a book that was hardly ever taken out.  Liam blew the dust of it and it was like a tsunami of dust in our faces, Alexandra started coughing on Harry's lap..Liam spent 15 minutes trying to find the right page of where this particular situation would be addressed, unsuprisingly there was no rule written for it. we sighed. 

'no wonder the situation i am in is so fucked up noone in this history of the fucking village has been in this situation,' Gemma said

then Liam found something that was useful. 

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